Collect leads using a CRM


You can retrieve your Facebook leads from your Page's forms library or Ads Manager. Click the link below to get started.

If you're an advertiser who's using, or would like to use, a third-party customer relationship manager (CRM), you can integrate your Facebook lead ads with your CRM in order to retrieve your leads. Connecting to a CRM is recommended because it allows you to access all your new leads in one place and eliminates the need to download a new CSV each time you want to see your new leads. Visit our CRM integrations page for available CRMs and help on setting them up.

You'll be able to add a CRM to your lead ads from your Page.

Add a CRM from your Page

  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Click Publishing Tools at the top of your Page.
  3. Click Leads setup.
  4. You should then see a section called Leads setup. In this section, you'll be able to connect to a CRM that you're already using or connect to a CRM for the first time. Follow the directions below based on your preferences.
  5. I haven't connected Facebook lead ads to a CRM.

    You can connect to a new CRM by selecting it in the Leads setup section of your Page by typing the name of the CRM in the search box. Once you've found the CRM that you'd like to use, you'll encounter one of three possible scenarios.

    The CRM integration isn't supported: If the CRM you've selected has a Request Support button, it means that Facebook currently doesn't have an integration with the CRM. If you'd still like to connect to the CRM, click Request Support. When you click Request Support, Facebook will get in touch with the CRM to request an integration. While Facebook is requesting the integration, it's recommended that you use a supported CRM or the API or download your leads as a CSV file.

    The CRM integration is available but needs to be completed on the CRM's website: If the CRM you've selected has a Connect from website link. You'll need to click on it and follow the directions on the CRM's website to complete the integration. Once you've completed the steps and are connected to the CRM, you'll be able to retrieve new leads from the CRM. Bear in mind that you'll need to make sure that you've added the instant form that your using in your campaign to the CRM in order to retrieve your leads.

    The CRM is available and can be completed in ad creation: If the CRM you've selected says through Zapier and has a blue Connect button, you'll need to click Connect in order to connect to the CRM. After clicking Connect, you'll be able to integrate with the CRM within ad creation. If you need help with the integration, please follow the steps here.

    I've already connected my Facebook lead ads to a CRM and want to set up a new form.

    In the Leads setup section, you should see a box that shows the name of your CRM and says Connected. Because you've already to a CRM, Facebook will automatically connect your new lead ads campaign to that CRM so that your new leads are available there.

    Bear in mind that if you've created a new instant form for your campaign and haven't yet added it to your CRM, you'll need to do so before you can retrieve new leads from the campaign. If the instant form you're using has already been added to your CRM, then any new leads you get from the campaign should be available there.

    To set up a new instant form, go to your CRM's website.

    I have a CRM, but it's not automatically appearing.

    • If your CRM is integrated through Zapier, you'll see the name Zapier displayed in the Leads setup section and not the name of the actual CRM you're using.

Bear in mind that if you use the instructions above to integrate your Facebook leads with a CRM from your Page, you won't be able to edit or disconnect from the CRM using Facebook. If you'd like to make changes or stop using the CRM, we recommend visiting the CRM integration site and following their instructions.

Remove a CRM from your Page

Note: If you remove a CRM integration, it will no longer show as connected on Facebook, and you will be able to add a new CRM through Facebook if you choose. As an alternative, you can contact your CRM provider to disconnect the CRM, which will allow you to have the connection removed without removing the CRM app from your Page completely.

  1. In the left-hand navigation of your Facebook Page, select Business integrations.

  2. In the right-hand pane, under Business integrations, select the Active tab and then search for your CRM in the Active business integrations menu that appears below. Alternatively, you can search for your CRM using the search bar.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the CRM that you want to remove and then select the Remove button.

  4. Note: After you remove the CRM, if you go back to your leads setup, you'll see that the integrated CRM is no longer listed and a search box will be available again for you to search for new CRMs to connect with.

Learn more about Facebook lead ads.

* Nguồn: Facebook