Download the leads from your lead ad


Leads can be collected through a CSV export from your Page, downloaded from Ads Manager, requested through the API or accessed from some CRM partners.


  • If your business admin has never customised leads access permission, only Page admins can download leads. Other page roles won't be able to download leads.

    If your business admin has customised leads access permission via Leads Access Manager, then only users assigned this permission can download leads. Any Page role can be assigned leads access permission, but they must be assigned by the business admin. Learn how to control who can access your leads.

  • We'll only keep your leads for 90 days, and leads older than this can't be downloaded. We recommend that you download your leads regularly.

Download from your Page

Download leads from your Page:

  1. Click Publishing tools at the top of your Page.
  2. Click Lead Ads Forms (only visible to Page Advertisers or Page Admins once a Lead ads campaign has been created).
  3. Within the Forms Library, select an instant form and click Download
  4. After clicking Download, you'll have two options:
    • Option 1: Click Download New Leads if you only want to download new leads that you've received since you last downloaded your leads. Your leads will be downloaded as a CSV file.
    • Option 2: Click Download by Date Range if you only want to download leads that you've received during a certain time period. After choosing this option, click the Lifetime drop-down menu, select a date range and click Update. Click Download to finish downloading your leads to a CSV file.

If you don't see any ad IDs or ad group IDs in the downloaded CSV, it may be because:

  • The lead was generated via organic reach.
  • The lead was submitted via an ad preview.

Note: If the person downloading the CSV doesn't have advertiser privileges on the ad account that created the Lead ads campaign, "NOT_VISIBLE_DUE_TO_PERMISSION" will appear in the CSV columns for ad ID, ad man, campaign ID and campaign name. Learn how to give someone access to your advertising account.

Download from Ads Manager
The way in which you access your leads in Ads Manager will change depending on what objective you used for your campaign.

If you used the Lead Generation objective:

You can download leads from your campaign at the ad set and ad level in Ads Manager.

Download your leads:

  1. Go to Ads Manager and click on the name of your lead ad.
  2. In the Results column, click .
  3. From the Download Leads window that appears, choose either to download all your leads or only your leads from a specific date range, then click Download.

Your leads will be downloaded as a CSV file.

If you used the Brand Awareness, Reach or Traffic objectives:

Your leads will only be available for download from ads reporting at the ad level. At the ad set and campaign levels, you will see your lead count, but you will not be able to download leads.

Ad level

Ad set level

Note: You'll be able to view the lead count, but you will not have the option to download leads.

Campaign level

Note: You'll be able to view the lead count, but you will not have the option to download leads.

Access from CRM partners

You can set up your leads to be instantly updated into your CRM system. Take a look at our list of CRM Integrations to see if your provider is supporting Facebook leads ads.

API download
If you'd like to retrieve leads through our API, learn more in our developer site, or watch this video for specific instructions.

More lead ads resources:

Lead ads are a great way to find potential customers for your business. With lead ads, people can show interest in your product or service by filling in an instant form in your ad with their details. Once they've submitted the form, your business can follow up with them.

Are you new to lead ads? If so, take a look at some of our resources below to get started:

Need more help?

Create ad in Ads Manager

* Nguồn: Facebook