Recommendations and requirements for lead ads


Lead ads are a type of ad that allows you to run lead generation campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Lead ads have certain requirements and recommendations that are often different to other ad types on Facebook. Here's what you'll need:

  • A link to the Privacy Policy for your business. We require all advertisers who create lead ads to have a Privacy Policy on their business' website. We'll ask you to include a link to this Privacy Policy when you create your lead ad. Your Privacy Policy and Terms are where you can address the collection and use of user data and capture whatever consent you feel you need from the user to comply with the law. You can also choose to include any legal disclaimers that you might use. See the Terms of Service for lead ads and the Facebook Policy for lead ads.
  • A list of the info you need to collect in your contact form, or "instant form." There are a number of default fields that you can select, but you can also create custom questions to collect any other info that you need. If you want someone to choose from a set of specific responses (such as choosing a specific model that someone is interested in), you'll need to enter each possible response for your questions.
  • Any required info or fields for managing your leads. If you have software that you'll upload your leads to, you might need to include specific questions or info or add custom field ID names for each question.
  • Info that you want to include in an intro section. An intro section is optional, but allows you to give more details, such as to describe your product or service or to tell people what they'll receive for submitting their info.
  • The text and video or images for your ad. Lead ads have the same ad requirements for text and images as link ads on Facebook.

Learn best practices for creating lead ads.

* Nguồn: Facebook