Create lead ads on Facebook


Before you begin creating your lead ads campaign, we recommend that someone from your legal team reviews the questions that you plan to ask on your form, as well as going over the Lead Ads Policies and Terms of Service. Once you're ready, make sure that you also have:

  1. Access to your business' Facebook Page.
  2. The URL to your business' Privacy Policy.
  3. An image for your ad.

Learn more about requirements for lead ads.


You can create a lead ad from your Page or from Ads Manager:

From your Page
  1. Go to your business' Page.
  2. Click Publishing tools at the top.
  3. Click Forms library in the left-hand drop-down menu.

  4. Click + Create at the top.

  5. Next, choose whether to create:

    A new form and enter all new information. If you choose this option, click Next at the bottom right-hand side of the screen, then continue setting up with step 6.


    Duplicate an existing form, which will allow you to use a form that you've already created and add this question to it. If you choose this option, search your forms to select the one that you want to modify and click Next at the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Then skip to step 9 to continue setup.

  6. In the section that says Untitled form at the top, click the pencil icon and give your instant form a name.

    Tip: Save your progress while you're setting up your instant form by clicking the Save button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  7. Under the Content tab, click Form type to customise your form depending on the goal of your lead generation campaign.
  8. Click the Intro (optional) section and toggle the button on to add an introduction screen to your lead ad.

  9. Tip: Preview your lead ad throughout the creation process in the right-hand pane.

  10. Next, click Questions. Add a custom Headline (optional).

  11. Under What information would you like to ask for?, you'll see that Email address and Full name are already ticked for user information options. You can click Show more options if you want to ask for more info.

  12. Under Custom question (optional) click + Add Custom Question.

    Note: You can add up to 15 custom questions. Learn more.

  13. If you're modifying an existing instant form, you can click Finish in the top right-hand corner to finish adding the appointment booking question. If you're in the process of creating a new instant form, you can click Save and continue the steps below to complete your lead ad.
  14. Click Privacy Policy. Add link text and a link URL to your Privacy Policy. As an optional step, you can tick the box next to Add custom disclaimer if you want to add additional disclaimers to your instant form. Bear in mind that there's no character limit for the disclaimer.

  15. Click Thank you screen, where you can add a custom screen to help keep your leads engaged after they submit their form.

    Note: The text limit is 60 characters in the Description body and 30 characters each for the Headline and Button text fields.

  16. Click the arrows at the bottom of your Form preview and make sure that your complete form looks the way you want it to.
  17. Click Finish to complete your form. Alternatively, you can click Save if you want to finish later.
From Ads Manager
  1. Go to your Ads Manager.
  2. In Ads Manager: Click + Create in the top-left.

  3. Choose whether you want to set up with quick creation or guided creation (the following steps will show you how to set up in guided creation).
  4. Select the Lead Generation objective.

    Note: If you are trying to collect leads using a Facebook Canvas instant form, you can also use the Brand Awareness, Reach or Traffic objectives. Learn more about this setup flow.

  5. In the Page section, choose the Page that you'd like to use to create lead ads. Click View Terms. Review the Lead Ad Terms of Service and select I Agree to Terms and Conditions.

  6. Set your audience, placements and budget & schedule. Unlike other campaign types, you cannot target lead ads to people under the age of 18.
  7. When you've completed the last step, click Continue.
  8. Choose an Ad name and under Identity, select your Page and attach your Instagram account, if applicable.
  9. Select an ad format, then add images or a video to your ad. Fill in your ad's headline, text and add a call-to-action button.
  10. Click Show advanced options to add a Facebook pixel if you have one.
  11. In the Instant Form section, you can click + New form to create a new instant form.

    Alternatively, you can select a form that you've already created and choose Duplicate to modify the form to add the appointment booking preference question.

    OR you can select a draft of an instant form you've previously saved and click Edit to continue editing the form to add the appointment booking preferences question.

  12. If you are continuing with a new form, where it says Untitled form at the top, give your instant form a name.

  13. Under the Content tab, click the Intro (optional) section and toggle the button on to add an introduction screen to your lead ad.

    Tip: Preview your lead ad throughout the creation process in the right-hand pane.

  14. Next, click Questions. Add a custom Headline (optional).

  15. Under What information would you like to ask for?, you'll see that Email address and Full name are already ticked for user information options. You can click Show more options if you want to ask for more info.

  16. Under Custom question (optional) click + Add Custom Question.

    Note: You can add up to 15 custom questions. Learn more.

  17. If you're modifying an existing instant form, you can click Finish in the top right-hand corner to finish adding the appointment booking question. If you're in the process of creating a new instant form, you can click Save and continue the steps below to complete your lead ad.
  18. Click Privacy Policy. Add link text and a link URL to your Privacy Policy. As an optional step, you can tick the box next to Add custom disclaimer if you want to add additional disclaimers to your instant form. Bear in mind that there's no character limit for the disclaimer.

  19. Click Thank you screen, where you can add a custom screen to help keep your leads engaged after they submit their form.

    Note: The text limit is 60 characters in the Description body and 30 characters each for the Headline and Button text fields.

  20. Click the arrows at the bottom of your Form preview and make sure that your complete form looks the way you want it to.
  21. Click Finish to complete your form. Alternatively, you can click Save if you think that you'll want to make changes later or haven't finished completing your form.

Learn more about creating, managing and troubleshooting your lead ad.

* Nguồn: Facebook