Add a custom thank you screen to your instant form


Create a thank you screen for your instant form to keep people engaged with your business after they submit their Facebook instant form. You can customise text and add one of three call-to-action buttons:

  1. View Website, which will direct people to the website of your choice.
  2. Download, which allows people to download your .pdf documents, whitepapers, coupons etc. from your instant form.
  3. Call Business, which allows users to initiate a call to your business from your instant form.

An example of an instant form set up with the "Call Business" call to action.


  1. Go to your business Page.
  2. Click Publishing tools at the top.
  3. Click Forms library.
  4. Click + Create and choose whether to start a New form or Duplicate an existing form.
  5. After you fill in the sections of your form, including Form type, Intro, Questions and Privacy Policy info, you will see a section to add your "Thank you" screen.
  6. In the "Thank you" screen section, add a headline (max. 60 characters).
  7. Fill in the description of your "thank you" screen. This will be the text that your leads see after they submit the form.
  8. Choose a call-to-action button type:
    • View Website
    • Download
    • Call Business
  9. Write the button text for the call-to-action button type you chose (max. 60 characters).
  10. If your button type is:

    View Website, enter your website link.

    Download, you can link business materials to be downloaded.

    Call Business, add a phone number to be called.

  11. Click the arrows at the bottom of your Form preview and make sure that your complete form looks the way you want it to.
  12. Click Finish to complete your form.

    Note: Once you click finish, you cannot go back in and edit.

    Alternatively, you can click Save if you think that you'll want to make changes later or you haven't finished completing your form.

Learn more about creating lead ads on Facebook.

* Nguồn: Facebook