Choose the right instant form based on your advertising goals

The video is an example of an instant form that optimises for higher intent.

When you create a lead ad, by default, you optimise for volume. The standard Facebook instant form makes it easy for people to quickly submit their information on a mobile device, which can result in a larger number of leads.

Lead volume may matter most if you're an advertiser trying to build an email mailing list or looking to pre-register people for a conference, for example.

However, there's another instant form option that allows you to optimise for higher intent. The higher intent form has three features: Inline context under contact fields, slide-to-submit button in the review screen and the review screen, which gives people a chance to confirm their info, resulting in more intentional leads (and weeding out lower-intent leads). If follow-up or further qualification is required on each lead, then optimising for intent may make more sense.

Note: The Higher Intent option will only be delivered to Facebook feed on mobile.


To optimise for More Volume, follow the full lead ad creation steps here.

To optimise for Higher Intent, follow the steps below.

Note: Since the Higher Intent form cannot be delivered to Instagram or desktop, you will not be able to create the ad if you select the placement as Instagram or desktop only.

  1. Begin creating an instant form.
  2. Under the Content tab, click Form type, then select the Higher Intent option.
  3. Next, a Review screen section will be populated in the setup flow. After you finish filling in the Intro (optional), Question and Privacy Policy sections, click the Review screen section and on the right-hand side, you'll see a preview of the "Review your info" page that people will see when they're filling in your Higher Intent form.
  4. Create a Thank you screen.
  5. Click the arrows at the bottom of your Form preview and make sure that your complete form looks the way you want it to.
  6. Click Finish to complete your form. Alternatively, you can click Save if you want to finish later.

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* Nguồn: Facebook