Create an instant form for your lead ad


You can create and save drafts of your instant forms for lead ads from your Facebook Page or from Ads Manager. Read on to learn how to set up from either location.

To create and save a draft of your instant form from your Facebook Page:

  1. Go to the Page that you use to run lead ads.
  2. At the top of your Page, click Publishing tools. Bear in mind that if you're using Business Manager to manage your Page, you'll need to go to Business Manager to see the Publishing Tools option.
  3. Click Lead ads forms, then click + Create.
  4. Begin filling in your form. At minimum, you'll need to give your instant form a name in order to save it as a draft.
  5. In the top right-hand corner of your instant form, click Save.
You can access your instant form drafts from your Page's publishing tools. To do so, go to your Page and select Publishing Tools. Click Draft forms library to see a list of all of your instant forms for that Page that are saved as draft.

To create and save a draft of your instant form from ad creation:

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Begin setting up your lead ad.
  3. When you get to the Instant forms section, you'll have the option to either select an instant form you've saved as draft, or you can create and save a draft of a new instant form by clicking + New form.
  4. Begin filling in your form. At the very least, you'll need to give your instant form a name to save it as a draft.
  5. In the top right-hand corner of your instant form, click Save.
You can access your instant form drafts when you create a lead ad in ad creation. To do so, choose Lead Generation as your ad objective, begin filling in the details of your ad, and in the Instant form section, select the draft of your instant form.

Learn how to create a lead ad.

* Nguồn: Facebook