Four tips for success using multi-country Lookalike Audiences


Selling abroad?

You can now use Facebook Lookalike Audiences to target an advertising campaign to multiple countries, for example, "France and Germany", "Europe" or even "Worldwide". Learn How

Here are four tips for success:

  1. If you know what countries are in your source audience, your Lookalike Audience will be of the highest quality when you have the countries you are targeting within your source audience.

    Example: Your source audience contains people from the US, the UK and Japan. If you target the US, the UK and Japan, you will create a high-quality Lookalike Audience.

    However, you can also pick additional countries to target. Our system will still use the source to provide the best possible audience.

  2. If you have only one country in your source audience, the more domestic people in the source, the better.

    Example: 50,000 people in a German source audience will have more diversity than 10,000. The greater the diversity, the easier it is to create a high-quality Lookalike Audience.

  3. If you don't know the countries in your source audience, the more people, the better.

    Example: your lead ads might pull in customers from all sorts of places. Creating a Custom Audience of these customers is a great idea, but make sure that it's big enough to give us the diversity we need.

  4. Remember that we will always find the best possible customers, which means your Lookalike Audience may not be evenly distributed between your target countries.

    For example, in the campaign above, an advertiser is targeting "Country A" and "Country B". Their audience is based on the combined population of these countries. There are more customers who strongly match their source audience in Country A, so our system creates a Lookalike Audience with more people in Country A than Country B.

* Nguồn: Facebook