Choose products to show in a collection ad


With collection, you can showcase your products when people open your ad from Facebook on their mobile devices. You can create a product set to organise your products into different categories (for example, clothing under GBP 50) or choose individual products from your catalogue to control how they appear in the ad. If you don't have a catalogue, you can add products to your ad by individually entering details about the product (such as images and website links).

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Begin creating your collection ad. Make sure that you choose either Traffic, Conversions, Catalogue Sales or Store Visits as your ad objective to use collection.
  3. At the ad level, choose the Facebook Page representing your business, and then choose Collection.
  4. In the Full-screen experience section, click the Create new tab.
  5. Choose a template and click Use Template.
  6. In the Product section, choose an option:
    • Order dynamically: Use the drop-down menus to select the catalogue and product set that you'd like to showcase in your ad. You need at least four products in your set to create the ad, but it's recommended to use a large product set (more than 50) in case any products go out of stock. If you need to create a product set, click +.

      Tip: Click Show advanced options to update the Product headline and Product description fields in your collection ad. For example, you can remove product prices from the Product description if pricing for your products is different based on region. While you can remove the Product description, the Product headline is required and can't be removed.
    • Choose a specific order: Enter the names or product IDs and colour variation of the products that you want to add. As you type, products automatically populate based on the information you enter. Click the product to add it. Products appear in the order that they're selected in the ad.

      Note: If you don't have a catalogue, choose Manually add products from the drop-down menu, and then click the text box. Choose Add a new product and then enter the details of the product that you want to highlight in the ad. This must be done for each product that you want to add. You can only add products manually to your ad when you use the Traffic, Conversions or Store Visits objective.

  7. Finish creating your collection ad.

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* Nguồn: Facebook