What's changed about offer ads


We have changed a few things about Facebook offer ads that we hope will help improve your offer ad performance. Here's what we changed and why we changed it:

  1. Now when people click on an offer, they can choose whether to save the offer or not.
    • Previously when people clicked on and viewed your offer, it was automatically saved and they received notification reminders about it. But this meant that you could only see how many people clicked on and viewed your offer, rather than how many people were actually interested in it enough to save it.
    • Now that people can choose to save your offer, you can see how many people are really interested in it. You'll have more insight into how many people view your offer, how many people click on it and how many people use it if you're using a Conversions or Store Visits advertising objective with your offer ad. You can use this info to improve your advertising strategy.

  2. Now we report offers saved rather than offer claims.
    • We updated the metric that we report for offer ads to be more clear about how people interact with your offer. If someone saves your offer after they click on and view it, it will be counted as offers saved in your ads reporting.
    • These changes mean that you may see a decrease in the number of offers saved than you might have seen in previous campaigns that reported on offer claims. But since this metric measures the amount of people not just clicking your offer, but manually saving it to use later, it should be a better signal from customers who intend to use your offer. As a result of this change, the number you'll see under the new cost per offer saved may be higher than the number you previously saw under cost per offer claim.

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* Nguồn: Facebook