Change the call to action on your event ad


Depending on the objective you choose when you create an event ad, your ad will show a call-to-action button that says either Interested or Get Tickets. To change the call-to-action button on your event ad, you'll need to recreate the event ad with a different objective.

Get the "Get Tickets" call to action

To get the Get Tickets call-to-action button on your event ad:

  • Choose the Traffic or Conversions objectives in Ads Manager
  • Or boost an event from your Page and choose the Increase Ticket Sales objective.

Either option will get you the Get Tickets button on your ad, which helps increase ticket sales for your event.

Get the "Interested" call to action

To get the Interested call-to-action button on your event ad:

  • Choose the Engagement objective in Ads Manager
  • Or boost an event from your Page and choose the Reach More People objective.

Either option will get you the Interested button on your ad to help increase attendance for your event.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook