Apply standard event categories to your custom app events

This feature is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to you at this time.

With app events, you can track activities within your app using any of Facebook's 24 standard events, or you can track custom events that you define.

If a custom event is similar to a standard event category, Facebook may prompt you to categorise the custom event as the standard event. For example, your custom event buy_now could be categorised as the standard event Purchase and count towards your overall Purchase reporting.

When prompted, tick the box next to each custom event to apply the standard event categories. The events will then be grouped together and appear as the standard event category on the Events tab on your App Events page in Events Manager. If you toggle to view your Standard events, you'll see data for a single standard event category such as Purchase which now includes all instances of the standard event code fb_mobile_purchase and any custom event code such as buy_now that has been categorised as Purchase. Switch to Custom events to see individual data for your custom events.

By accepting a standard event category recommendation, you'll be able to use the events to optimise the delivery of your ads and view more accurate campaign insights in Facebook ads reporting without needing to change your event code.

If you have categorised any custom app events as standard events, your app metrics in Facebook ads reporting will reflect the additional custom events that are contributing to the calculation of the metrics. For example, Mobile app searches will include any instances of the standard event fb_mobile_search and any custom events that have been categorised as Search.

To manage your custom event categorisation, go to App Events and view the Events tab. In the table, hover over an applicable event category, then click Edit.

Learn more about app events.

* Nguồn: Facebook