Measure the performance of your video ad campaigns


The Video Views objective is designed to show your video ad to people most likely to watch your video.

When you run a video views campaign, in the results column you'll see 3-second video views. This metric is the number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least three seconds, or for 97% of its total length, whichever happened first.

Alongside the number of 3-second video views, see what each three-second video view cost using the cost per 3-second video view metric. This metric is calculated as total amount spent, divided by 3-second video views.

In addition to video-specific metrics, it's important to consider video metrics within your wider campaign objectives. Common objectives include brand awareness, reach and conversions, among others.

Get Started

To see your campaign's 3-second video views and cost per 3-second video view:

  1. Go to Ads Manager and choose a date range that you want to report on.

  2. Select Columns: Video Engagement on the top right of the results table.
  3. You'll see the number of 3-second video views in the 3-second video views column, and average cost for each 3-second video view in the Cost per 3-second video view column.
  4. You'll see the number of 3-second video views in the 3-second video views column, and average cost for each 3-second video view in the Cost per 3-second video view column.

Understanding my results

The success of your campaign depends on the goals you had. These could include:

  • A high number of video views: A large number of 3-second video views could be a good indicator of this.
  • Longer video engagement: You could look at 10-second video views, which is the number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least ten seconds, or for 97% of its total length, whichever happened first.
  • Video completion: You could look at video watches at 100%, which is the number of times your video was watched at 100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.

More tips for better mobile video.

Viewing the age and gender of your audience

There are two ways to see the age and gender of the people watching your videos. You can tick the box next to your video view campaign and then click the icon to open the side pane. Click Demographics to see the age and gender of your audience.

You can also use breakdowns to see the age and gender of your audience. Click Breakdowns and then Age and gender to see your results broken down by age and gender.

Understanding which placement had the most video views

There are also two ways to see which placement had the most video views in Ads Manager. You can tick the box next to your video views campaign and then click the icon to open the side pane. Click Placement to see if more people are viewing your videos on Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network or Messenger.

You can use breakdowns to see which placement receives the most video views as well. Click Breakdowns and then Placement to see your results broken down by placements.

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* Nguồn: Facebook