Create a custom conversion


Custom conversions enable you to segment your event data based on values, event types, custom data fields and other characteristics for more detailed reporting in Ads Manager. Create a custom conversion by building rules that define the unique, high-value activities that are important to your business. Your custom conversion will then be applied to your offline event set.

  1. Go to Business Manager > Offline Events and select an offline event set. An offline event set is required in order to create a custom conversion associated with it. Learn more about creating an offline event set.
  2. Note: If you already have data in the event set, keep in mind that the custom conversion you create will only be applied to data that you upload after creating the custom conversion and not any previously uploaded data.

  3. Click Create Custom Conversion and start by selecting an ad account. The dropdown shows ad accounts you have access to and that have also been assigned to the event set. You can manage assignments in Business Settings.
  4. For Rules, use the dropdowns to create a rule. Assign an Event Name or Value, or map a Custom Data field to a standard event. Click and to add additional rules or click x to remove a rule.
  5. Note: For Custom Data rules, the custom data field must match the parameter you specify when uploading offline event data.

  6. Select a Category that best describes the rules you defined. Enter a name for the custom conversion and an optional description. Click Submit.

To view your custom conversions, select Custom Conversions from the Business Manager menu. Your custom conversions for offline conversion tracking are displayed in the list, in addition to any custom conversions you've created for your Facebook pixel.

As your campaign runs, upload offline event data so it can be matched against your ad performance and custom conversions. Learn more about uploading offline events.

* Nguồn: Facebook