Using dynamic ads for travel to drive ancillary revenue and actions


In general, people book their flights and hotels weeks or even months before their trip. But for other travel-related products such as upgrades, baggage fees, promotions, ground transportation, reservations and more, people often book these a few days before their departure. Additional sales from these products and services provide ancillary revenue to both the airline and hotel industries.

Rather than relying on emails or one-to-one interactions at check-in and customer service desks to drive this revenue, advertisers can use dynamic ads for travel on Facebook. With dynamic ads for travel, you can create ads geared towards driving ancillary revenue from people who've already booked flights and hotels through your services.

Below you'll find some ways advertisers are using dynamic ads for travel to drive ancillary revenue:

Airlines can use dynamic ads for travel to:

  • Highlight premium inventory and entice passengers to upgrade their tickets
  • Showcase services that contribute to ancillary revenue. This might include a faster boarding programme, lower baggage check costs and more.
  • Promote financial offers such as credit cards or travel insurance
Hotels can use dynamic ads for travel to:
  • Highlight premium inventory and entice passengers to upgrade their rooms
  • Grow their loyalty programmes and services
  • Drive awareness of on-site amenities such as spas and restaurants

Run ads to drive ancillary revenue

Below you'll find examples of how to set up dynamic ads for travel to drive ancillary revenue in the two industries mentioned above.

Airlines setup

Set up your campaign

Note: if you are a developer, we recommend using Facebook's API documentation.

  1. After entering into the dynamic ads for travel (flights) ad creation flow, you will see an upsell toggle beneath the event source group selection. Toggle it on.

  2. After you toggle on the upsell feature, you can specify the purchase retention window along with the booking window. For instance, you can select to show upsell ads to anybody who has purchased within the last 60 days with a booking window of seven days (meaning that starting seven days before the customer's flight, they will enter into the upsell audience).

  3. After defining the appropriate targeting criteria, click the Save Audience button. Note: you must save the audience before proceeding to the next step, otherwise the targeting settings will not be applied.
  4. When defining the creative, select the checkbox to Show items related to a purchase the viewer has made. This selection is required in order for the appropriate creative (related to the last purchased flight) to be shown in the ad.

  5. Finish completing the rest of your ad, including selecting a call-to-action button, and click Show advanced options if you'd like to add URL parameters. When you finish building your ad, click Place Order.
Hotels setup

Set up your campaign

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Select Catalogue Sales as your objective.
  3. In the Catalogue section, select a catalogue to use for this campaign.

Set up your ad set

  1. In the Hotels section, select a Hotel set, or click to create a new one. The hotel set you choose should contain the hotel inventory you want to promote.
  2. Next, begin defining your audience.
  3. Find the Event source group section and make sure that the box next to Limit audience to events within [name of your hotel set] is ticked. Ticking this box limits your audience to people who've booked hotels within the hotel set you selected in step one.
  4. Now find the Include section. In this section, you can set specific targeting parameters that will allow you to target people who are checking into their hotel in the coming days.
    • In the first drop-down, select Purchase.
    • In the second drop-down, select Hotel.
    • Capture everyone who purchased within the maximum window Facebook allows: 0-180 days. You'll set this by choosing in the past from the drop-down and typing 0-180 in the boxes next to days.
    • For this ad, we want to target customers who have a check-in date in the next ten days and to automatically stop showing them ads after their check-in date has passed. To do this, tick the box next to the booking window and set the time frame to 0-10 days.

  5. Once you've completed your audience, click Save audience.
  6. Fill in the Placements and Budget & schedule sections.

Set up your ad

With dynamic ads for travel, you can show dynamic information based on the specific property a person has booked. The ability to show creative with exact property and date information let's you upsell your audience with promotions, upgrades, loyalty programme memberships and more.

  1. Start by selecting a Page that you'd like to promote in your ad.
  2. Next, move on to the Format section and choose Single image.
  3. In your ad's copy, it's recommended that you use template tags related to:
    • hotel.description
    • hotel.brand
    • trip.checkin_date
    By adding these to your copy, you can insert dynamic information based on the hotel a person has booked. Below you'll find an example of copy you could try in your ads:
    • Text: Get free Wi-Fi during your stay at if you join Jasper's Loyalty before you check in!
    • Headline: Join Jasper's Loyalty
    • News Feed link description: Get Free Wi-Fi, earn points and redeem member exclusive offers when you join Jasper's Loyalty.

  4. Fill in the remaining details of your ad and click Place Order.

* Nguồn: Facebook