Uploading your catalogue data feed


When you create a data feed for your catalogue, you have two options for uploading your data feed to Facebook: Upload once or Set a schedule. The choice you make depends on your type of inventory:

  • If you're new to selling your inventory through Facebook and don't expect to update your inventory repeatedly, choose Upload once.
  • If your data feed is located on another server or website (such as Dropbox or an FTP client) and you make changes to your inventory constantly, choose Set a schedule.
If you're new to selling your inventory through Facebook and don't expect to update your inventory repeatedly, you can upload your catalog data feed all at once.

To upload your data feed all at once:

  1. Go to Catalog Manager.
  2. Click Data Sources.
  3. Click Add Data Source.
  4. Click Use Data Feeds and click Next.
  5. Click Upload once.
  6. Drag and drop the file from your computer. Alternatively, click Upload file and search for the file on your computer.
  7. Enter a name for your data feed.
  8. Choose the currency type for your data feed. The currency type is used for your data feed if you don't specify it in your data feed file.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Review your data feed file for any errors. If you're missing any required columns in your data feed file, or there are columns that Facebook doesn't recognize, you can map them to the appropriate columns here. Any columns mapped here are saved for future data feed uploads.
  11. Click Next. Your items are uploaded to Facebook.

Your data feed is now uploaded.

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If your data feed is located on another server or website (such as Dropbox or an FTP client) and you make changes to your inventory constantly, you can set a schedule for the feed upload.

To set a schedule for your catalog data feed upload:

  1. Go to Catalog Manager.
  2. Click Data Sources.
  3. Click Add Data Source.
  4. Click Use Data Feeds and click Next.
  5. Click Set a schedule.
  6. Choose how frequently you want Facebook to check your data feed for updates. You can choose Daily, Hourly and Weekly. If you choose Hourly or Weekly as your frequency, you can also specify when your scheduled upload repeats.
  7. Enter the direct URL for your feed. You can use URLs that use http, https, ftp or sftp.

    Note: The URL should point directly to your data feed file; otherwise, the upload may fail.
  8. (Optional) Enter the username and password for the data feed provider. This is different than the username and password you use to access your Facebook ad account.
  9. Enter a name for your data feed.
  10. Choose the currency type for your data feed. The currency type is used for your data feed if you don't specify it in your data feed file.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Review your data feed file for any errors. If you're missing any required columns in your file, or there are columns that Facebook doesn't recognize, you can map them to the appropriate columns here. Any columns mapped here are saved for future data feed uploads.
  13. Click Next.

Your items are uploaded to Facebook.

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If you want to make changes to an existing data feeds (such as add new items or remove out of stock items), you can change the settings directly from the data feed in Catalog Manager.

To update an existing catalog data feed:

If you want to make changes to an existing data feeds (such as add new items or remove out of stock items), you can change the settings directly from the data feed in Catalog Manager.

  1. In your data feed, make your changes. If you're changing availability or pricing, write the following values in the column you're updating:
    • availability: Use the value out of stock.
    • price: Enter the new price for the item.
  2. Note: If you want to remove an item from your catalog, add the column delete to your data feed and then enter the value TRUE for each item you want to remove.

  3. Save your data feed.
  4. Open your browser on your computer and go to Catalog Manager.
  5. Choose the catalog you want to update.
  6. Click Data Sources.
  7. Select the data feed you want to update.
  8. Click Settings.
  9. If you're updating a data feed with a schedule, scroll to the Schedules section and choose an option:
    • Update Schedule: Make faster changes to selected items in your data feed. This is the recommended way to send price and availability updates.
    • Replace Schedule: Refresh your entire data feed. Any items in the existing data feed file not present in the new data feed file are removed after you replace the schedule.
  10. If you want to upload all your changes at once, scroll to the Single Upload section and choose Via File Upload or Via URL.

Your data feed will now be updated.

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* Nguồn: Facebook