Why you want a "Very responsive" badge for your Page

This content is applicable to both admins and advertisers managing personal or business Pages.

People appreciate when a business is available and responsive to their questions and product enquiries. The "Very responsive" badge indicates to anyone who comes to your Page that you have an established and recognised commitment to customer service.

How do I get the badge for my Page?

The "Very responsive" badge will automatically turn on for your Page once you've responded to 90% of all messages within 15 minutes or less. While it can be difficult to respond to every message you receive the moment you receive it, the 90% response rate allows for flexibility in case you miss a few. You'll receive notifications whenever you have a new message, as long as you have notifications for your business turned on in your settings.

OK, but what if I'm away?

To help manage your availability and communication, there are tools you can set up to ensure that you acknowledge every customer who writes to you.

  • Away messaging: If you're away from the office for an extended period of time, you can set your Page's messaging status to away, letting people know you'll contact them when you're back.
  • Instant replies: If you're busy with other work, you can set up instant replies to let customers know that you'll get back to them soon or to thank them for contacting your Page.

Note: Messages that you mark as spam won't count towards your Page's response rate or response time. Away messages and instant replies also won't count towards your responsiveness rate. Responsiveness will restart calculating at the time your Page becomes available again and you respond to 90% of messages within 15 minutes.

Learn about other things that you should set up on your Facebook Page.

* Nguồn: Facebook