Measurement solutions for sales outcomes


Our sales measurement solutions help you see correlations between purchases, mobile App Installs, and other direct response actions, as well as the overall business value of your ad in terms of attributable conversions and sales.

Our sales measurement solutions can help you answer the following questions:

  • How are ads impacting your sales goals and ROI?
  • How can I evaluate the additional business driven by Facebook ads?
  • How do Facebook ads compare to other media channels in driving conversions across devices?
  • How is mobile impacting my spend? How do my Facebook ads drive conversions in comparison to other publishers?
  • How are ALL my digital ads performing?
  • What publishers deserve credit for driving installs or engagement to my app?
To answer these questions, use one of the products below.

Facebook products

Ads reporting: See how many people converted as a result of your ads and what devices and platforms they are using.

Test and learn: Test and learn the incremental lift in sales and conversions that occur as a result of your ads.

Facebook partners

Partner Lift: Facebook's Partner Lift integrations leverage best-in-class vendors to measure lift in sales using partner-based ROI measurement solutions.

MTA Partner Program: Facebook offers an MTA Partner Program that enables multi-touch attribution (MTA) partners to provide people-based MTA reporting across all publishers, including Facebook.

Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) Partners: Enable partners to better measure and compare the effectiveness of advertisers' marketing channels in terms of contribution to sales, efficiency and ROI.

Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs): Work with one of our Mobile Measurement Partners to see aggregated reporting across multiple ad networks, powered by Facebook attribution data.

Contact your Facebook Account Representative to get started with one of our Facebook partner solutions.

Learn more about choosing measurement solutions.

* Nguồn: Facebook