Duplicate an ad


If you want to reuse a Facebook campaign, ad set or ad, you can duplicate it in Ads Manager. For example, if you have an ad that performed well, you could duplicate the ad and use it for a new campaign.

If you originally selected automatic placements for your campaign, any new placements will automatically become available to campaigns when you duplicate them.

For dynamic creative ads, if you are duplicating a non-dynamic creative ad set with non-dynamic creative ads, you can't enable dynamic creative. Currently, dynamic creative can be accessed through the updated Ad Manager's quick creation workflow.

Duplicate an ad in Ads Manager

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click Campaigns, Ad sets or Ads.
  3. Click to tick the box next to the campaign, ad set or ad that you want to duplicate.
  4. Click Duplicate.
  5. In the window that appears, select the number of ads that you want to duplicate and click Duplicate.

  6. In the editing pane, you can then make changes to the campaign, ad set or ad.

Duplicate an ad using the campaign structure in Ads Manager

The campaign structure in Ads Manager is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to everyone yet.

  1. Open the campaign structure by clicking the icon.
  2. Hover over the item you wish to duplicate.
  3. Click Duplicate.

Manage your ads

* Nguồn: Facebook