Tag your site for remarketing


You can show ads to people who've visited your website by adding the remarketing global site tag and event snippets to your website. The global site tag is a web tagging library for Google's site measurement, conversion tracking, and remarketing products. It’s a block of code that adds your website visitors to remarketing lists, which will allow you to target your ads to these visitors.

Before you begin

  • You need to be familiar with your website's code. Otherwise consider working with a web developer or someone with a technical background. 
  • Your remarketing lists need to have a minimum number of visitors in order for your ads to show.
  • Once you tag your website, people visiting your website will be automatically added to your remarketing lists based on the rules you've set. 
Google Ads does not permit the implementation of tags on pages related to policy-restricted offers. Learn more about the Personalized advertising policy.


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

Using the AdWords tag

Setting up remarketing for the first time

  1. Sign in to AdWords.
  2. Click the Campaign tab.
  3. In the menu on the left, click Shared library .
  4. Click Audiences.
  5. Click Set up remarketing.
    1. If you use a developer to manage your website:

      1. Click View AdWords tag for websites.
      2. Select and copy the remarketing tag code. This tag works on both desktop and mobile websites.
      3. Place the code at the bottom of all pages on your website, before the closing tag. If your website uses a common file for a footer, you can place the code snippet there rather than on every page of your website.
      4. Save and publish your pages.
      5. Check that you've implemented the tag correctly with Google Tag Assistant, a Chrome extension that verifies Google code snippets and helps you solve errors (available in English only).
    2. If you manage your website:

      1. Click View AdWords tag for websites.
      2. Select and copy the remarketing tag code. This tag works on both desktop and mobile websites.
      3. Place the code at the bottom of all pages on your website, before the closing tag. If your website uses a common file for a footer, you can place the code snippet there rather than on every page of your website.
      4. Save and publish your pages.
      5. Check that you've implemented the tag correctly with Google Tag Assistant, a Chrome extension that verifies Google code snippets and helps you solve errors (available in English only)
  6. Click Continue
  7. Click Return to Audiences.

    Within a couple days, your tag should start collecting the cookies of visitors to your website, and your "All visitors" list will begin to populate. If this doesn't happen, check the "Remarketing tag" validation box in the corner of your screen.

  8. Click Tag details.
  9. Click Setup.
    1. If you use a developer to manage your website:

      1. Select the “Send AdWords tag and instructions” box.
      2. Enter your developer’s email address.
      3. Click Send email.
      4. Click Done.
    2. If you manage your website:

      1. Select the “Send AdWords tag and instructions” box.
      2. Enter your developer’s email address.
      3. Click Send email.
      4. Click Done.
      5. Click View AdWords tag for websites.
      6. Select and copy the remarketing tag code. This tag works on both desktop and mobile websites.
      7. Click Done.
      8. Place the code at the bottom of all pages on your website, before the closing tag. If your website uses a common file for a footer, you can place the code snippet there rather than on every page of your website.
      9. Save and publish your pages.
      10. Check that you've implemented the tag correctly with Google Tag Assistant, a Chrome extension that verifies Google code snippets and helps you solve errors (available in English only).

After you've tagged your website, you can then create remarketing lists for your webpages. If you can't add the tag to your entire website, you can still add it to specific sections of your website and then create lists for each of those sections.

View remarketing tag after set up

  1. Sign in to AdWords.
  2. Click Shared library.
    Shared library
  3. Under "Audiences," click View.
  4. Locate the "Remarketing tag" box in the top right.
  5. Click Tag details.
  6. Click Setup.
  7. Click View AdWords tag for websites.
  8. Select and copy the remarketing tag code. This tag works on both desktop and mobile websites.
  9. Place the code at the bottom of all pages on your website, before the closing tag. If your website uses a common file for a footer, you can place the code snippet there rather than on every page of your website.
  10. Save and publish your pages.
  11. Check that you've implemented the tag correctly with Google Tag Assistant, a Chrome extension that verifies Google code snippets and helps you solve errors (available in English only). 

After you've tagged your website, you can then create remarketing lists for your webpages. If you can't add the tag to your entire website, you can still add it to specific sections of your website and then create lists for each of those sections.

Other website tag implementations

Upgrading older tags

In the past, AdWords created unique tags for each remarketing list that you made and you would place these tags on specific pages. Now, you can place one tag on your website and then create multiple remarketing lists with various rules.

If you have the older, page-specific version of the remarketing tag, consider upgrading to the latest website-wide remarketing tag available in your "Shared library."

Quick upgrade: Add the latest tag

Place the latest website-wide remarketing tag on your website. If you're still using lists based on the older page-specific tags, you can leave the page-specific tags in place. However, removing the older tags after adding the latest tag may help your webpages load faster.

Complete upgrade: Add the latest tag and remove the older tags

If you're not using lists based on the older page-specific tags, simply remove the page-specific tags when you add the new website-wide tag. If you are using lists based on page-specific tags, you'll need to re-create those lists in AdWords and add them to your existing campaigns.

Follow these steps to avoid disrupting your live campaigns:

  1. Create new remarketing lists based on your website URLs.
  2. Add your new lists to your campaigns and keep your original lists. Campaigns can then target the new lists and the original lists.
  3. After the membership duration for the original lists elapses, your new lists will be fully populated and your original lists will be empty.
  4. Remove the original lists from your campaigns.
  5. Close the original lists.

Upgrading tag for dynamic remarketing

If your website is already tagged for remarketing and you want to upgrade to dynamic remarketing, you'll need to add custom parameters to your tag. For detailed instructions, see Add the dynamic remarketing tag to your site.

Using the Google Analytics tag

To use your Google Analytics tag instead of the AdWords remarketing tag, you’ll need to have the following:

  • Google Analytics tag on your website
  • Linked AdWords and Google Analytics accounts (when linking your accounts, you'll need administrative access to the AdWords account and edit access to the Google Analytics account)
  • Remarketing and advertising features enabled in Google Analytics

For detailed instructions, see Enable remarketing and advertising reporting features in Google Analytics.

Disable the collection of remarketing data

You can choose to disable the collection of remarketing data for users who do not wish to view personalized ads using the parameter: allow_ad_personalization_signals. This parameter will let you disable the usage of the data for personalized ads and the default value of the parameter will be set to true. When you set the parameter’s value to false, it will disable the usage of the data for personalized ads. This parameter does not disable conversion tracking.
Learn how to modify the global site tag to disable the collection of remarketing data for specific users.

Advanced options 

Disable the collection of remarketing data

You can choose to disable the collection of remarketing data for users who do not wish to view personalized ads using the parameter: allow_ad_personalization_signals. This parameter will let you disable the usage of the data for personalized ads and the default value of the parameter will be set to true. When you set the parameter’s value to false, it will disable the usage of the data for personalized ads. This parameter does not disable conversion tracking.
Learn how to modify the global site tag to disable the collection of remarketing data for specific users.

Advertiser cross-device linking

Advertiser cross-device linking allows you to use your own user data to help show ads to users who have visited your website or app on their various devices or browsers. If you're setting up Advertiser cross-device linking, you need to comply with the Advertiser cross-device linking policy.

Learn more About cross-device linking with user ID parameters.

Disable the first-party cookie setting

To ensure that Google Ads can measure all of your conversions, regardless of the browser that your site visitor is using, the remarketing tag sets new cookies on your domain that will store information about the ad click that brought people to your website.

If you don’t want the remarketing tag to set first-party cookies on your site’s domain, add the following line to the tag configuration before you load the script tag:

var google_conversion_linker = false;

If you’re using conversion_async.js, add the highlighted portion below to the google_trackConversion call:

window.google_trackConversion( { google_conversion_linker : false } );

It's not recommended doing this because it will lead to less accurate conversion measurement.

* Nguồn: Google