Changes to the Google Ads remarketing tag


To streamline your experience with using website code across Google products, we’ve made some changes to the Google Ads tag. If you've set up the Google Ads tag for standard remarketing or dynamic remarketing in the new Google Ads experience, you'll see a global site tag, which should be deployed site-wide, along with an optional event snippet. The event snippet works in unison with the global site tag to track specific remarketing events. These snippets are a replacement of the previous AdWords remarketing tag.

Before you begin

Keep in mind that:

  • The global site tag is currently only available for website conversions and remarketing in the new Google Ads experience.
  • For standard remarketing to work (Google Ads tag setup to “Collect standard data available from this data source”), you must have a global site tag on each page of your website.
  • For dynamic remarketing to work (Google Ads tag setup to “Collect specific attributes or parameters to personalize ads”), you must have a global site tag on each page of your website and an event snippet for each remarketing event. You’ll need to add the event snippets to the HTML code of the pages that have events you want to track.
  • You need to provide users with clear and comprehensive information about data collection, and obtain their consent where legally required. For users who do not wish to view personalized ads, you may disable the collection of remarketing data. Learn how to modify global site tag to disable the collection of remarketing data for specific users.
If your setup uses JavaScript from the previous version of the Google Ads tag, it will continue to work. If your setup uses the non-JavaScript image tag, we recommend that you use the new tag to have full functionality. The global site tag and the event snippet will ensure that all of your remarketing events are accounted for.

How the new Google Ads tag works

The new Google Ads tag consists of a global site tag and an optional event snippet, which work in unison to track your remarketing events. The event snippet tells the global site tag when to send more detailed remarketing event data. You’ll see the code snippets for the global site tag and the optional event snippet when you set up the Google Ads tag data source.

Global site tag

The global site tag snippet should be placed on all pages of your website, in the section of your HTML pages. You only need one global site tag snippet across your entire website. If you've installed a global site tag from a previously created conversion action or remarketing event from the same Google Ads account, you shouldn’t add the global snippet again. You may also have a global site tag snippet obtained from a Google Analytics account or from another Google Ads account. In that case, follow the instructions to how to adapt an existing global site tag for your Google Ads account.

Here's an example of the global site tag:


The code snippet above is an example only and won’t work on your website. When you tag your site for remarketing, you’ll be able to view and copy the global site tag for your account.

The global site tag is not only used by Google Ads, but also by other Google products such as Google Analytics. If you use these products, the global site tag makes website implementation easier by providing a unified tagging experience.

Disable the collection of remarketing data

Using the new parameter: allow_ad_personalization_signals, you may disable the collection of remarketing data for users who do not wish to view personalized ads. This parameter does not disable conversion tracking.
You can set the allow_ad_personalization_signals parameter once and apply it across all products configured through global site tag. The default value of the parameter will be set to true. When you set the parameter’s value to false, it will disable the usage of the data for personalized ads. To ensure that the parameter's value is available in a given Google Ads account, you should add it using the gtag('set') command.
Below is an example of how you can modify the global site tag to disable ad personalization signals:


If you’re using the old AdWords tag, you can set var google_allow_ad_personalization_signals = "false"; where you set other AdWords tag parameters. See the example below for more detail.

Event Snippet

The event snippet is used to track more detailed actions, like using dynamic remarketing or custom parameters, and should be installed on every page of your site that tracks remarketing events. It can be placed anywhere in the code, after the global tag snippet. We recommend placing it within the section for the best tracking accuracy.

Here’s an example of an event snippet:

The code snippet above is an example only and won’t work on your website. When you set up remarketing for your website, you’ll be able to view and copy the event snippet for your account.

If you don’t want the global site tag to add website visitors to your existing basic remarketing lists, add the highlighted portion below to your global site tag’s 'config' command:

gtag( 'config' ,  'AW-123456789' ,  { 'send_page_view': false} ) ;

How to adapt an existing global site tag for your Google Ads account

If you already have a global site tag on each page of your website, you can configure it to send data to multiple Google Ads or Google Analytics accounts. Let’s take the example of a global site tag from a Google Analytics account. The global site tag would look like this:



To add support for your Google Ads account, simply add the highlighted line to your global site tag, replacing "AW-123456789" with the unique ID supplied to you when you get your remarketing tags



Once you’ve made this change, you don’t need to add the global site tag snippet obtained from your Google Ads account to your website. If you’re using dynamic remarketing or custom parameters, just add the event snippet on the page of your site where the remarketing event is tracked. Note that you can re-use the same global snippet for multiple Google Ads or Google Analytics accounts. For each additional Google Ads or Google Analytics account you want your tag to support, add a new ‘config’ command that contains the ID of the account (as demonstrated in the sample code above, which has separate ‘config’ commands for Google Analytics and Google Ads).

How to use the new remarketing tags

Follow the steps to set up remarketing for your website in the new Google Ads experience.

* Nguồn: Google