Set up a catalogue to show inventory details in a dynamic ad


You can show pricing or delivery details in a dynamic ad over each item in your inventory. Before you can show pricing or delivery details in a dynamic ad, update the data feed associated with the catalogue with the correct information.

  1. Add the applicable columns to your data feed file:

    Type: Price
    • sale_price: The discounted price for the product. The price includes the 3-digit currency code (based on ISO 4217 standards). For example, 9.99 USD.
    • sale_price_effective_date: The start and end date and time for the sale, separated by a slash. Write the start and end dates as YYYY-MM-DD. Add a "T" after each date and then include the time. Write the time in a 24-hour format (0:00 to 23:59). For example, 2017-11-01T12:00-03:00/2017-12-01T00:00-03:00.

    Type: Free delivery
    • shipping: The delivery price of the item. For free delivery, write the shipping price as 0.0. For every region where you ship your items, separate them with a comma. For example, US:CA:Ground:0.0,US:NY:Air:0.0.
  2. Save your file in the CSV, TSV or XML (RSS/ATOM) file format.
  3. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  4. Click Data sources. If you haven't created a catalogue yet, set up the catalogue before you add a data feed.
  5. Select your current data feed.
  6. Click Settings.
  7. Update your data feed.
    • If your data feed is on a schedule, scroll to the Schedules section and click Update schedule.
    • If you manually update your data feed, scroll to the Single upload section and choose either Via file upload or Via URL.

After updating the data feed associated with the catalogue, you can then show pricing or shipping details in the dynamic ad.

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* Nguồn: Facebook