Create a catalogue


A catalogue is a container that holds all of the items that you want to promote across Facebook, Instagram, the Audience Network and Messenger. After you create a catalogue, you can use it for different business use cases, such as displaying products in a collection ad or tagging products on Instagram. In this article, you'll learn how to create the catalogue, upload items into the catalogue and tips for optimal catalogue performance.

In this article:

Before you begin

If you plan on running ads for your catalogue, you'll need the following:

  • A Facebook ad account: To promote items from your catalogue across eligible placements on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and the Audience Network, you need to have a Facebook ad account. Create an ad account now.
  • A Facebook Page: A Facebook Page is needed to represent your business when you run ads. Create a Facebook Page now.
If you're an agency representing another business, you want to share access to your catalogue with people on your ad account or you plan on setting up shopping on Instagram, you may need to set up Business Manager first. Learn more about setting up Business Manager for catalogues.

Create a catalogue

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Click Create Catalogue.
  3. Select the catalogue type and click Next. You can create catalogues for: E-commerce, Travel (including hotels, flights and destinations), Property and Automotive.
  4. Select the ad account for the catalogue and enter a name for your catalogue.
  5. Click Create.

    Note: If you need to support multiple languages, create a separate catalogue for each language.

Add items to a catalogue

After you have created a catalogue, you can then upload items to the catalogue. Select one of the topics below to expand setup instructions for your method of choice for uploading your items.

Add items using a data feed

If you want to promote your inventory using retargeting ads (for example, dynamic ads), create a data feed:

  1. Choose a supported file format for the feed. This is where you'll enter the values needed for the feed. You can upload these file formats into your feed:
    • CSV/TSV: Comma-separated value (CSV) or tab-separated value (TSV). Can be used with most spreadsheet programs.
    • XML (ATOM/RSS): Format typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers.
  2. Create a data feed file with the required item information. Learn more about setting up a data feed for all catalogue types.
  3. Save your file.
  4. (Optional) Test your feed before you upload it to Facebook using the product feed debugger tool. For CSV/TSV files, copy the first row (column header row) and a few products; for XML, copy the XML with a few products, paste the lines into the text area, then click Validate. Make sure that you click the drop-down menu first to select the type of products in your feed before you validate them.

Upload a data feed

To add a data feed to your catalogue:

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Choose the catalogue you want to update.
  3. Click Data sources.
  4. Click Add Data Source.
  5. Click Use Data Feeds and click Next.
  6. Choose Upload once or Set a schedule. Learn more about uploading your data feed in Catalogue Manager.
  7. Enter a name for your data feed.
  8. Select the default currency for the data feed. Your catalogue uses the default currency when the prices in your data feed file don't include an ISO currency code (for example: 10 USD instead of $10.00). You can update the default currency at any time in your data feed settings.
Need more help? Take a look at our detailed guide (including formatting tips and examples) for setting up a data feed for all catalogue types.

Add items to a catalogue manually (e-commerce catalogues only)

If you don't have a data feed, or you're unable to create a data feed, you can add items to your catalogue manually using a form. This option is only available for advertisers with e-commerce catalogues.

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Choose the catalogue you want to update.
  3. Click Data sources.
  4. Click Add Data Source.
  5. Click Add Manually.
  6. Fill in all fields to add a new product item:
    • The Name of your product should be under 26 characters (including spaces) for it to be displayed without being cropped.
    • The Price is set to USD by default. After the first time you change the currency, your selection will be remembered.
    • (Optional) Add a Content ID if you want to run dynamic ads. This is an optional field. The Content ID needs to match a pixel event on your website and needs to be associated to the catalogue before you can run the ad.
  7. Click Add product to save. To add more items, click Add Another Product and repeat the process.
Need more help? Take a look at our detailed guide for setting up a catalogue manually.

Add items using a merchant platform

If a merchant platform hosts your inventory, you can upload inventory from the platform using Catalogue Manager. You don't need to create another data feed when you use this method. For detailed instructions on how to use merchant platforms with Catalogue Manager, select one of the following links below:

Add items using the Facebook pixel (e-commerce catalogues only)

If you update your inventory frequently, you can use the Facebook pixel to automatically update the products in your catalogue each time someone visits them. When someone visits your website and interacts with a product, this adds the product to your catalogue. This option is only available for advertisers with e-commerce catalogues.

Before you begin, make sure that you:

  1. Install the Facebook pixel on your website and choose the right events that you want to track.
  2. Install required microdata tags on your website for each item that you want to add to your catalogue.
  3. Ensure that a pixel fire has been sent from your website in the last seven days. Bear in mind that pixel fires are dependent on website traffic to your page, so it may take some time.

To add items to your catalogue using a pixel:

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Choose the catalogue you want to update.
  3. Click Data sources.
  4. Click Add Data Source.
  5. Click Connect Facebook pixels as your upload method.
  6. Choose the pixel that you want to associate with the catalogue. The ads you create with your catalogue automatically show items based on customer behaviour on your websites.

    Note: If the pixel doesn't meet the requirements, you won't be able to select the pixel until those requirements are met.
  7. Select Next. Your items are then uploaded to your catalogue. Bear in mind that it may take some time to upload your items. You can continue to work in Catalogue Manager as your items are being uploaded to your catalogue.
  8. Click Done.
Need more help? Take a look at our detailed guide for setting up a catalogue using a pixel.

Next steps

Creating a dynamic ad?

Creating a collection ad?

Creating a shop for your products on a Facebook Page?

Setting up an Instagram account for shopping?

Looking for best practices?

* Nguồn: Facebook