Use a Google data feed on Facebook


If you have a Google data feed and you'd like to use it to power dynamic ads on Facebook, follow these steps.


Set up a Google data feed with Facebook

Follow the steps below to make sure your Google data feed is compatible with Facebook's requirements.

  1. Check your file format: Make sure that your file is saved in one of Facebook's supported formats: CSV, TSV or XML. Facebook also supports compressed zip, gzip and bz2 files.
  2. Check your column names: You'll need to have all of Facebook's required fields and column names in your data feed exactly as they are listed below. Column names must be written in US English. Learn more about required fields for your Facebook product feed.
  3. Remove any Google tracking parameters: Make sure that you edit the link column in your Google data feed to remove any Google tracking parameters. If you have tracking parameters, they look something like this: URL?utm_campaign=GoogleDynRMKT&utm_medium=display.


  • Check your catalogue for errors: Use the Feed Debugger tool for troubleshooting your data feed's formatting before you upload your whole data feed file. With this tool, you can copy and paste part of your data feed into the tool to catch any errors you may experience while uploading your data feed.
  • Fix issues with your feed while you're uploading: When you're uploading your data feed, your column names need to map to Facebook's required fields. However, if you have a different name for a column in your Google feed, you can map it to a certain Facebook column and save that as a rule for future uploads.
  • Make sure that the product ID in your feed matches the ID that fires in your Facebook pixel: You'll need to make sure that your product SKUs match the product SKUs (or IDs) associated with your Facebook pixel to track people who show an interest in your products on your website.
  • Mark your items as out of stock: If you have a data feed for products, make sure that you note out-of-stock products in your feed so that Facebook automatically stops serving ads for them. Learn more about marking products as "out of stock" in your data feed.

Learn more about creating catalogues to use with your Facebook ads.

* Nguồn: Facebook