Create a catalogue with Facebook pixel


If you have the Facebook pixel installed on your website, you can use the activity that your pixel captures to build your catalogue. The pixel fires are based on tags from your website – called microdata – that include information about products on your website. When a pixel fires on your website for a product, the product is added to your catalogue.

Note: You can only create e-commerce catalogues with the Facebook pixel. If you want to create another type of catalogue, upload a data feed instead.


To use the pixel as a source for your catalogue, you need to:

  1. Install the Facebook pixel on your website and choose the right events that you want to track.
  2. Install required microdata tags on your website for each item that you want to add to your catalogue.
  3. Ensure that a pixel fire has been sent from your website in the last seven (7) days. Bear in mind that pixel fires are dependent on website traffic to your page, so it may take some time.


Events are actions that happen on your website. Standard events within the Facebook pixel code enable you to track specific events, optimize for conversions and build audiences. To add products to your catalog using the pixel, add the ViewContent event to each product page. This allows the pixel to report which products from the catalog have been viewed.
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You can use the Facebook pixel to create a catalogue for the products you sell on your website. This type of catalogue uses activity from your pixel to add products to your catalogue. Whenever someone views a product page on your website, it triggers a pixel fire and then adds the product to your catalogue. Before you can successfully add a product to your catalogue, you first need to add required tags that include information about the product called microdata – on its product page.

Note: You can only create e-commerce catalogues with the Facebook pixel. If you want to create another type of catalogue, upload a data feed instead.

There are two protocols that you can use to add the microdata: OpenGraph or Depending on the type of protocol you choose, the microdata needs to be in the right location on your website:

  • OpenGraph: Place the microdata in the header of your website.
  • Place the microdata across the product page where the products are located.
  • JSON-LD for Place the microdata within the script tag (see the example below).

Here are the required tags that you need to use when adding the microdata:

  • og:title: The title of the item.
  • og:description: A description of the item.
  • og:url: The complete URL for the product page.
  • og:image: A link to the image used on the product page.
  • product:brand: The brand name of the item.
  • product:availability: The current availability of the item. You can choose "in stock", "out of stock", "preorder", "available for order" or "discontinued".
  • product:condition: The current condition of the item. You can choose "new", "refurbished" or "used".
  • product:price:amount: The current price of the item. The current price of the item. Don't include symbols like "£" in the price.
  • product:price:currency: The currency for the price. The currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, GBP).
  • product:retailer_item_id: The retailer's ID for the item.



  • name: The title of the item.
  • brand: The brand name of the item.
  • description: A description of the item.
  • productID: The retailer's ID for the item.
  • URL: The complete URL for the product page.
  • image: A link to the image used on the product page.
  • price: The current price of the item. Don't include symbols like "£" in the price. Include this entry under "offers".
  • priceCurrency: The currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, GBP). Include this entry under "offers".
  • availability: The current availability of the item. You can choose "in stock", "out of stock", "preorder", "available for order" or "discontinued". Include this entry under "offers".
  • condition: The current condition of the item. You can choose "new", "refurbished" or "used". Include this entry under "offers".








Extracted from

  • name: The title of the item.
  • brand: The brand name of the item.
  • description: A description of the item.
  • productID: The retailer's ID for the item.
  • URL: The complete URL for the product page.
  • offers: vector of objects of type
  • image: A link to the image used on the product page.
Extracted from (as a part of product offers)

  • price: The current price of the item. Don't include symbols like "£" in the price. Include this entry under "offers".
  • priceCurrency: The currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, GBP). Include this entry under "offers".
  • availability: The current availability of the item. You can choose "in stock", "out of stock", "preorder", "available for order" or "discontinued". Include this entry under "offers".
  • condition: The current condition of the item. You can choose "new", "refurbished" or "used". Include this entry under "offers".


After you add the required microdata to your website, learn more about using Catalogue Manager to create a catalogue with your Facebook pixel.

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Use the Facebook pixel to create your catalogue

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Click Create catalogue.
  3. Select E-commerce as your catalogue type.
  4. Use the drop-down menu to assign an owner to the catalogue. You can choose to assign it to a business account in Business Manager to share the catalogue across multiple people, or assign it to your ad account if you are the only person managing the catalogue.
  5. Enter a name for the catalogue.
  6. Click Create. This creates an empty catalogue.
  7. Click View catalogue to go to the Diagnostics page.
  8. Click Add Products.
  9. Click Connect Facebook pixels as your upload method.
  10. Choose the pixel that you want to associate with the catalogue. The ads you create with your catalogue automatically show items based on customer behaviour on your websites.

    Note: If the pixel doesn't meet the requirements, you won't be able to select the pixel until those requirements are met.
  11. Select Next. Your items are then uploaded to your catalogue. Bear in mind that it may take some time to upload your items. You can continue to work in Catalogue Manager as your items are being uploaded to your catalogue.
  12. Click Done.

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* Nguồn: Facebook