Edit images in your catalogue


You can manage how images appear in your catalogue. When you edit your images, you can choose to crop, pan and zoom in on the images in your catalogue. You can modify images for the carousel, collection and single image ad formats.

To fill the entire ad space, your images are zoomed in by default. If you want to make sure all of your inventory is shown in an ad, you can fit the image to your ad or crop and resize the image.

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Click Catalogue settings.
  3. In the Image transformations section, click Edit.
  4. Manage how the images appear in your ads. You can choose:
    • Fill ad with image: This zooms in on the image to fill the entire ad.
    • Fit image to ad: This shows the entire image within the ad. However, there may be added white space when you select this option.
    • Crop and resize image to fit ad: This crops and resizes the image to show the entire item in the ad. This option works best if there's a white or transparent background in the image.
  5. Click Save.

If you've changed any image URLs and you've added new images to an existing catalogue, all image URLs will be checked for changes and any other changed image URLs will result in updated images in your feed.

If all the URLs remain the same and the image stored behind the URLs changes, Facebook won't schedule any updates to the images.

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* Nguồn: Facebook