Register your app


To optimise your app ads for installs, measure and track App Installs or run mobile app engagement ads, make sure that your app is properly set up to run ads on Facebook by following at least the first two steps on the Getting Started guide on the Facebook for Developers site. You can follow these steps yourself or have your app developer do it for you.

Note: You don't need to follow these steps in order to run app ads using the App Installs objective, but your ads will automatically optimise for link clicks instead of app installs.

To optimise your ads for installs, or to track installs, set up your app on the Facebook for Developers site or have your app developer do it for you.

Before you get started:

In order to register your app, you or your app developer will need:

  • A Facebook account
  • A Facebook developer account
  • A Facebook Page for your app

Learn more about how to accelerate your app's growth with Facebook app ads.

* Nguồn: Facebook