Review Our Publisher List

These features launched recently and are being introduced gradually. You may not see all these options yet.

Once you've downloaded our Publisher List, here's how to review it.

Review the list

To read the list:

  1. Look at the top of the list to see column headers corresponding to different placements and information. The remaining lines list the URLs and their details.
  2. Look at the URL column. If you don't recognize a list entry by URL (or, for Facebook In-Stream video and Instant Articles, Page Name), the Organization/Brand/Content Creator column might help. It lists the names of the parent organizations.
  3. Look at the New to List in Last 30 Days column to see if a URL was recently added to the list. You can filter to view recent additions and update your Block List.
  4. For Instant Articles only:

    • Page Followers lists how many followers this Page has.
    • Language lists the language we've detected this Page uses.
    • Blue Verified Page lists whether this Page has a verified blue badge, showing that Facebook has confirmed it is the authentic Page for a public figure, media company or brand.
  5. For In-Stream videos only:

    • URL lists Facebook Pages in the format followed by the Page ID. For example, a Page with the ID 12345678 will be listed as
    • Page Followers lists how many followers this Page has.
    • Blue Verified Page lists whether this Page has a verified blue badge, showing that Facebook has confirmed it is the authentic Page for a public figure, media company or brand.
    • Language lists the language we've detected this Page uses.
    • Is Show Page lists whether this Page represents a show available through Facebook Watch.
    • Ads in Live Videos lists whether this Page has had access to Facebook Live videos at any time during the past 90 days.
    • Videos Uploaded Last Week lists the number of videos this Page uploaded in the last 7 days from when this report was generated. This number includes videos that may not be publicly viewable.
    • Median Views per Video (28 days) lists the median number of 3-second views videos uploaded in the last 28 days received.

Now that you have reviewed our Publisher List, think about if you're happy with our publishers.

If there are any you don't want your ads to appear on, add them to your Block List.

* Nguồn: Facebook