Create a block list

Block list features are being rolled out and are subject to availability. You may not see them.

Create a block list

To create a block list:

  1. Create a document using Excel, Notepad or any software that will let you save as .csv or .txt.
  2. Paste the URL(s) that you would like to block delivery to into column A. It might help to copy some entries from our list of URLs where your ads could appear.

    • To block a publisher across all placements, include all their URLs; i.e. Facebook Page URL, website URL and any app store URLs.
    • To block a Facebook Page for the in-stream video placement, add URLs in the format plus the ID of the Page. To find the Facebook ID of each Page, visit the Page, click About and copy the Page ID. For example, Page ID 12345678 would be listed in your block list as
    • You don't need to block website subdomains, only top-level domains. For example, will be blocked if you include
  3. Save the block list with a name you will remember.

You have created your block list.

Now it needs to be uploaded to your ad accounts to start working. Learn how to upload a block list in Business Manager or, if it's your first block list, how to upload a block list in Ads Manager.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook