Upload a Block List in Business Manager

Block list features are being introduced gradually and are subject to availability. You may not see them.

If you have created your Block List, you can now upload it in Business Manager or, if it's your first Block List, in Ads Manager.

Upload a block list in Business Manager

To upload a Block List:

  1. Open Business Manager.
  2. Click in the top left to open the dropdown menu.
  3. Click Block Lists, under Assets, if you can.

    If you can't see that option in the dropdown menu, choose Business Settings instead. Then click Block Lists from the left navigation, under Brand Safety. Click the Manage button at the top, then select Add and Edit Block Lists.

  4. Click the Create button.
  5. Click Upload File or 'drag and drop' to upload your .csv or .txt block list.
  6. Click Create Block List. The upload may take a few minutes.

You have uploaded your Block List.

Now it needs to be applied to your ad accounts to start working. Then when you create a campaign in Ads Manager, you'll see your Block List automatically applied to your ad accounts at the ad set level, ready to work on your ad. Learn how.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook