Best practices for building brands in a mobile environment


We all spend, on average, three hours a day on our phones.(1)

Brand advertisers who embrace what's different and uniquely valuable about building brand awareness on mobile devices are succeeding on Facebook and Instagram. By learning through rapid experimentation, they are seeing incredible results.

Here are three principles for creating ads that capitalise on the mobile opportunity:

  • Get personal faster. When you target an ad to someone on their mobile, you're reaching into the palm of their hand. You're literally getting close to them – often inches from their face – in a world of seemingly infinite content they control. Three out of four smartphone users made the effort to customise which apps appear on their home screen, meaning no two phones look the same. People enter and exit apps without a second thought, looking at a piece of content for seconds before moving on, but also easily returning to content that caught their eye during an earlier session.

    Mobile audiences expect ads that are not only targeted at them, but also ads that are tailored to their interests and habits. People tend to engage with brands that they believe understand who they are.

    Facebook and Instagram offer advertisers huge potential for reach and engagement. Facebook and Instagram are embedded in our lives; they are where many of us connect with the people and issues we care about.

    Have you discovered FBIQ, our tool that provides aggregate information about geography, demographics and more for people on Facebook? This can help you target ads more effectively. Audience Network videos are also a brand-friendly way to engage focused audiences beyond Facebook and Instagram.

  • Get to the point. We've seen huge growth in mobile. Over 100 million hours of video are watched every day on Facebook.(3) It's predicted that 75% of all mobile data traffic will be video by 2020, compared to over half now.(4)

    Creative gifs, cinemagraphs, slideshows and videos on Facebook and Instagram News Feed are a great way of capturing fleeting attention. Get six mobile video tips here

  • Embrace change. Advertisers need to build for today's habits, but be prepared for mobile behaviour to change fast.

    For example, although video on mobile is primarily consumed quickly, we're seeing growing evidence of mobile users also watching longer videos in planned, "lean back" sessions. In fact, in one study, 30% of mobile viewing was of video over 20 minutes in length.(7)

    To stay agile, we recommend that you test using both Facebook and third-party tools to help understand your audience at every time of day.

    Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings is a third-party measurement tool. Our newer video solutions such as Live, 360 and in-stream are designed to capture attention. And Creative Hub is a mockup tool designed to help you build better ads for mobile.

1 eMarketer April 2016

2 Nielsen Mobile Netview, March 2016

3 Facebook internal data

4 Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update 2016-2021 white paper, March 2017

5 Ooyala Global Video Index, Q3 2016

* Nguồn: Facebook