Use a Custom or Lookalike Audience for targeting


When you create an ad, you can choose to target it to people in any Custom Audiences and/or Lookalike Audiences that you've created.

You can also use exclusion targeting, which prevents a particular audience from seeing the ad. For example, you can exclude an audience of your current customers if you're running a campaign to gain new customers.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have the Custom or Lookalike Audience(s) you want to use ready.

Use a Custom or Lookalike Audience for targeting

  1. Create an ad set
  2. In the "Audience" section of ad set creation, click the "Custom Audiences" field.
  3. Select the Custom Audiences and/or Lookalike Audiences that you want to use.
  4. Note: You can combine multiple Custom Audiences and/or Lookalike Audiences to refine your targeting.

  5. Select Exclude if you want to remove anyone.

    Note: You can include some audiences and exclude others. Just click the appropriate field and make your choices for each.

  6. Finish setting up the ad set and place your order.

Check your results in ad reporting to see how your ads performed. Adjust your targeting accordingly to improve performance. Learn more about targeting strategies.

* Nguồn: Facebook