Use flight ads for prospecting to reach people who show travel intent

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With flight ads for prospecting, you can now reach more people on Facebook who have expressed plans to travel, from new customers who are still deciding on a final destination to those who know where they'd like to go and are zeroing in on a specific flight.

Ideal for airlines and OTA advertisers, flight ads for prospecting is a dynamic solution that uses machine learning to automatically determine what type of creative will resonate best with each person. If someone already has specific flights in mind, you can recommend the most relevant routes in your flight catalogue; additionally, this solution allows you to set up "universal" (or static) creative so that our ranking model can decide which creatives to show based on what drives the most optimal campaign performance.

Unlike retargeting, which only supports single-image creative, flight ads for prospecting is compatible with the carousel format. This solution is available for placement on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

Use this guide to learn more about flight ads for prospecting:


Using the flight ads for prospecting solution, you can:

  • Leverage both catalogue-based and universal (static) creatives: Flight ads for prospecting offers creative flexibility by leveraging both catalogue and static creative. Facebook will automatically select the most relevant creative from either the catalogue or from the universal creative (static image) you provide. This means that Facebook will promote the most relevant flight inventory to people who have shown intent to travel to specific destinations if the creative is available in the catalogue, or show the universal (static) creative when appropriate
  • Optimise for travel intent: Flight ads for prospecting allows you to reach people with travel intent, even if those people have never engaged with your brand. This solution spans the flight booking funnel, so you can reach both people who have not yet decided where they want to travel as well as people who have a specific destination in mind.


Before you can set up flight ads for prospecting, you must set up a flight catalogue. Learn more.

Bear in mind that your flight catalogue can be used for both prospecting and retargeting.


  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Select Catalogue Sales as your objective.
  3. At the ad set level, select the catalogue that contains the flight set or the flight inventory that you'd like to promote. Click Continue.
  4. If you'd like to set up an offer with this add, toggle the Offer button on.
  5. Under Audience, set up your Custom Audience and you can also include Lookalike Audiences. Set up a Location to identify the places where you'd like to show people your ad.
  6. Fill in your Placement, Budget and Schedule.
  7. Under Optimisation for ad delivery, select Conversion events. Under Event type, you will choose either Purchase, Search, View content or Initiatecheckout. Finish filling in the options in the section and press Continue.
  8. At the ad level, select the carousel format.

    Note: In addition to dynamic creatives (catalogues), we also recommend that you upload universal creatives (static images) to reach more people who may not have the same exact match to an item in your catalogue. To do this, keep the toggle of Universal creative option on and upload a static image that promotes either your brands or promotion offers. Then, we'll let our ranking model decide which creatives to show based on what results in the most optimal campaign performance.

  9. Enter the text and links for your ad. When you've finished filling in the options, click Continue.

Best practices

  • Pixel setup: Confirm that you are passing back a search, view content, initiate checkout or purchase event. In addition, please make sure that the pixel also returns the following requirement information, including origin and destination airport codes, dates and number of travellers.
  • Catalogue:
    • If your catalogue is newly created, please wait for at least 48 hours to allow pixels being fired before activating your campaign. This allows the ad ranking model to have enough lead time to incorporate your pixel data to ensure the optimal ad delivery.
    • We suggest creating non-duplicate images for different airport codes in your catalogues to allow our recommender to suggest nearby airports in carousel format while not showing duplicate images.
  • Audience/targeting: We recommend selecting a broad audience when using flight ads for prospecting; using small audience sizes or narrow targeting may result in poor delivery. To get the best results, we recommend using an audience size of seven million or larger.
  • Optimisation: Under the Product Catalogue Sales objective, we recommend optimising for search, view content, initiate checkout or purchase events.
  • Bidding: We recommend starting with auto-bid, as this will help to maximise delivery. If your campaign is delivering well after a week (i.e. fulfilling 80% or more of your daily budget), you can test specific bid targets if the cost per conversion is above your target.
  • Campaign period: We recommend utilising flight ads for prospecting as an always-on campaign strategy. We will continue to optimise for people with travel intent, so by running flight ads for prospecting on an always-on basis, you will increase your potential for reaching people who are newly demonstrating intent to travel.
  • Measuring success: We recommend measuring the success of flight ads for prospecting by evaluating the impact on the event you are optimising for. For instance, if you are optimising for search events, we recommend evaluating success based on cost per search and the volume of searches.
  • Creative: The default requirement is "dynamic creative" that is powered by your catalogues. In addition, we highly suggest that you also provide "universal creative" (or, static creative images) as this will allow us to reach more people who might not have a match to an item in your catalogue. In terms of types of universal creative, we suggest to focus on brand level and destination agnostic message.

Learn how to use travel ads to drive additional revenue and actions.

* Nguồn: Facebook