Track app engagement beyond the install


Track what users do in your app after they’ve installed

Track what happens after an app is installed. See how users engage with it and when they drop out. You should establish segments around milestones that you want users to reach over a certain period of time.


Example: Food delivery app

Say you offer a food delivery service app. As you gain a better understanding of user activity in your app, you develop four user segments for your engagement strategy:

  • New Users: they need reminders that your app can help
  • Interested Users: they’ve abandoned the app before making a purchase
  • Lapsed Paying Users: they’ve bought something but haven’t returned since
  • Active High Value Users: these are your most loyal and profitable customers

Tracking in-app events is valuable for two reasons: 1) helping you to build remarketing lists to engage users across the Google Display Network, and 2) starting to measure the full value of your users based on the actions they take in your app.

When building remarketing lists for the Google Display Network, you can use any of the following:

And similarly, when tracking the value of various in-app conversion events, you can use the:


No matter what tracking option you go with, decide which specific events in your app you'd like to tag for remarketing purposes. Make sure to do this as broadly as possible. For any significant user event in your app, you should consider tagging that as a remarketing event, so that you can decide later which events can be useful for remarketing.


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1 Source: Digital Trends, 2013

* Nguồn: Google