Reach past visitors with display remarketing: Google Best Practices


While standard remarketing puts your ads in front of previous website and app visitors, dynamic remarketing takes it one step further by tailoring the ad creative to include products or services users viewed on your site. This helps you deliver more relevant ads and improved performance. We’ll show you how to create winning remarketing campaigns in this guide. 

Part 1: Remarketing Best Practices


Display Remarketing Best Practices [Video]

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Display Remarketing Best Practices

In this video, we cover the two types of remarketing you can run: (1) Dynamic remarketing and (2) Standard or static remarketing

1. Set display remarketing up for success

  • Tag your entire desktop and mobile site. 

Why: Tags capture the customer insights needed for strong remarketing lists.

Get started: Use Google Tag Manager to tag your entire site for creating remarketing lists.

Read more about how to set up display remarketing.

2. Segment your audiences with remarketing lists

  • Focus your remarketing lists based on how someone's interacted with your website or app.

Why: You can tailor your bids and ads to the ways your most valuable visitors interact.

Get started: Create remarketing lists that you can target with different bids or ads.

Read more about how to segment prospects with remarketing lists.

3. Set display remarketing bids and ad formats for success

  • Pair remarketing with Target CPA. 

Why: Dynamic bids usually lead to better results and can save time better spent on other vital areas.

Get started: Use Target CPA in your remarketing campaign to maximize conversions.

  • Use all display ad sizes and formats, including text, mobile, image and HTML5. 

Why: This helps reach your audience at exactly the right moment.

Get started: Upload image ads in different sizes to reach users across all device types.

  • Use dynamic remarketing to show the most personalized ad possible. 

Why: Consumers who see ads with the actual offer they viewed, or similar offers, are more likely to return to your site to complete a purchase.

Get started: Set up dynamic remarketing with our comprehensive guide.

  • Take the next step: move from Target CPA to target return on ad spend. 

Why: Moving from target CPA to target ROAS typically results in the most total value at your desired level.

Get started: Use Target ROAS in your remarketing campaign to maximize revenue.

Read more about how to set display remarketing bids and ad formats.

4. Remove restrictions for best display remarketing performance

  • Remove exclusions for languages, locations and placements. 

Why: When people have visited your site already, they are more likely to purchase regardless of the context.

Get started: Remove language, location and placement exclusions for remarketing campaigns.

  • Automate your frequency caps. 

Why: Google’s algorithms will optimize frequency caps for you, based on how likely each viewer is to click on and convert from your ad.

Get started: Use an automated bidding strategy to automate frequency caps towards the best performance.

Read more about removing restrictions for best display remarketing performance.

5. Expand remarketing lists to reach new customers 

  • Use Similar Audiences or auto-targeting to expand your remarketing lists and reach new customers. 

Why: These features can boost remarketing volume and acquire new customers at the right cost.

Get started: Add Similar Audiences targeting to your Display campaign.

  • Use In-Market Audiences to acquire new mid-funnel customers. 

Why: You can drive more qualified traffic to your site when you reach people who are actively researching or intending to buy what you offer.

Get started: Add in-market audiences targeting to an ad group.

Read more about expanding remarketing lists to reach new customers.


Part 2: Dynamic Remarketing Best Practices 

6. Activate dynamic remarketing ads

  • Make sure your tag's custom parameter ID value matches your feed ID value.

Why: This allows the dynamic remarketing ad to show people the exact product or service they viewed in the past.

Get started: Add custom parameters to your remarketing tag.

Read more about activating dynamic remarketing ads.

7. Set up high-quality business data feeds

  • Include your full catalog of products with relevant images, titles and prices.

Why: This can lead to a positive impact on your click-through rate and conversion rate.

Get started: Create a feed for your dynamic display ads.

  • Prioritize your bestsellers and provide complete product data for those items.

Why: Starting with your top performing products and services allow you to maximize the returns that feed optimization can bring you.

  • Maintain an accurate, compliant and updated feed.

Why: The system disapproves inaccurate or incomplete feeds because they create a bad user experience. That means your dynamic ads won’t show.

Get started: Check the status of your ads in the Business Data section of your account.

Read more about optimizing business data feeds.


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* Nguồn: Google