Measurement solutions for brand outcomes


Our brand measurement solutions help you understand the impact and influence of your brand campaigns.

Our brand measurement solutions can help you answer the following questions:

  • How many impressions did my brand campaign receive?
  • What was my ad recall?
  • Was there a lift in consideration for our product?
  • How can I make my brand stand out from the rest?
  • Did they shift my brand's perception?
  • Did my ads generate awareness of my new product?
  • Were my ads memorable?

To answer these questions, use one of the products below.

Facebook products

Ads reporting: See how many people are likely to remember your ads and your brand after seeing your campaign.

Brand Lift: Test and measure the lift in brand awareness that occurred as a result of your ads.

Facebook partners

Nielsen Brand Lift: A Nielsen product created to measure the impact of Facebook media on brand perceptions.

Millward Brown Brand Lift: A Millward Brown Digital product that is designed to help marketers quantify the results of their advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Get in touch with your Facebook sales representative to get started with one of our Facebook partner solutions.

Learn more about choosing measurement solutions.

* Nguồn: Facebook