Reach the most qualified audiences with YouTube


Learn advanced YouTube ads best practices to drive success for your business. This guide covers targeting techniques like remarketing, customer match and more.

Once you have a creative strategy in place, it’s time to focus on reaching the right audiences. While you can reach YouTube audiences based on their demographics, interests or past behavior, we’ll focus on using advanced YouTube audience targeting techniques below, like remarketing and customer match.

Use YouTube remarketing lists across the Display Network

If you have YouTube videos that drive a lot of views and engagement, consider using them to build remarketing lists. By connecting your Google Ads and YouTube accounts, you can put ads in front of highly-qualified users who have previously interacted with your YouTube content. For example, if a person has already watched one of your videos, you can continue the conversation by showing another video to them or remind them to visit your site through display ad placements across the web.

Don’t forget this is a two-way street: any existing website remarketing lists from Google Ads can also be reused across YouTube as well.

Use Customer Match to create custom audience segments

Let’s say your company has an extensive email database and wants to re-engage existing customers or leads with your YouTube video ads. You can use Customer Match to reach these valuable customers when they are logged into YouTube.

Here are some thought starters on how to segment your email lists to drive leads or sales:

  • Segment based on how someone’s interacted with your website or app: You can apply the same thought process of segmenting your website to Customer Match as you do to your other campaigns.
  • Upsell to high-value customer lists: You can show similar products or offer discounts to loyalty program members.
  • Convert a lead: If you have a multi-step conversion funnel, you can tailor your video ads to where the person is in your conversion funnel to convert them into a sale. This works well for businesses that have distinct customer stages such as awareness, demo, free trial and sale.
  • Reactivate dormant customers: This method is useful for targeting seasonal or inactive customers. If your business model is subscription-based, you can also reach out to these customers for membership renewals.

Review email marketing performance reports to understand best practices or apply learnings to your Customer Match campaigns.

Extend remarketing campaigns with in-market audiences

You can drive more qualified traffic to your site when you reach people who are actively researching or intending to buy what you offer.

This helps you acquire new customers and grow remarketing lists. Create a separate campaign or ad group and avoid layering other targeting types with in-market audiences.

You can also think about tailoring TrueView creatives to the in-market audience segment. Let’s say you’re a flights advertiser targeting “Business & First Class Tickets.” You may want to show creatives specific to that segment versus a generic travel video ad.


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* Nguồn: Google