About video ads on Audience Network

In-stream only buying is being rolled out gradually and may not be available to you at the moment.

We partner directly with high-quality publishers. We are not buying supply on ad exchanges or from other ad networks. The availability of each placement depends on your objective and creative.

Objectives, formats and placements

Where an ad runs depends on the campaign objective and creative you use. For example, you can run ads in stream in video players on desktop and mobile. Audience Network in-stream video ads will run before or during videos on third-party apps and sites.

You can also show video ads in native placements on apps and mobile websites. Publishers on Audience Network have the option to customise how an ad appears on their app or website to make it native to their property.

Additionally, ads can run in 300x250 banners on mobile websites or full-screen interstitial placements on mobile apps.

Note: When you select automatic placements, your ads will be eligible to run in all supported placements.

Direct response:




App Installs

Product Catalogue Sales


Desktop (in-stream placement types only)

Native, interstitial, Banner

In-stream (conversions only)

Carousel: image only


Single image

Single video

Dynamic ads



Video views


Brand Awareness

Engagement (post engagement for video only)


Desktop (in-stream placement types only)

Native and interstitial

In-stream (video views only when using in-stream on its own)

Single video.

Sound: recommended for native and interstitial, required for in-stream.

We review all publishers who work with the Audience Network to make sure that their content, sites and apps meet Facebook's content and community standards. Learn more about our Audience Network Publisher Policy.

* Nguồn: Facebook