In-stream video on Audience Network


Use the in-stream video placement on Audience Network to show video ads to people while they're watching videos on websites and apps outside of Facebook.

  • Audience Network allows you to use the same targeting as Facebook to reach people across a wide variety of apps and websites that use Facebook's ad network.
  • Your video ads will be shown before and/or during video content that people have chosen to watch on the Audience Network publisher's app or website.
  • To deliver within the Audience Network in-stream video placement, your video should include sound and be 5-30 seconds long when choosing just the in-stream video placement or 5-120 seconds long when using the automatic placements option.

In-stream video ads are also available for videos shared on Facebook. Learn more about in-stream video ads on Facebook.

Selecting the Audience Network in-stream video placement

  1. Go to Ads Manager and create a new campaign or ad.
  2. If you choose to use automatic placements, you can choose any of the following objectives:
    • Video Views
    • Reach
    • Brand Awareness
    • Post Engagement
  3. Fill in the details of your campaign, including your audience, budget and schedule.
  4. In the Placements section, you can choose where your ad will appear.

    Audience Network's in-stream is included in automatic placements, or you can select it manually by clicking Edit placements.

  5. Add your video ad, headline, text and any call to actions that may be available. Reminder: Video ads must include sound and be 5-30 seconds when choosing the in-stream video placement on its own or 5-120 seconds when using the automatic placements option. Learn more about video requirements for in-stream video.
  6. In Ads Manager, click Place Order.
Your campaign will now be able to show your video ads before and during video content on the apps and websites that use Facebook's Audience Network.

Learn more:

* Nguồn: Facebook