In-stream video ad specifications


Facebook in-stream video advertising lets you deliver mid-roll video ads on Facebook and Audience Network. These mid-roll video ads are shown to people who are watching video content from publishing partners on Facebook.

Facebook in-stream video ads are included in automatic placements. To opt out of automatic placement and delivery, or to select in-stream placement and delivery only, edit your placements. Learn more about choosing placements.

In-stream video ad host video eligibility

  • Brand safety. Publishing partners work closely with Facebook's media partnerships team to ensure that their host video content is high quality. (Managed accounts can download a publisher list showing Pages that host in-stream ads.)
  • Length of host videos. Only videos that are three minutes or longer from our publishing partners are eligible to host in-stream video ads.

In-stream video ad delivery

  • Ad breaks. Publishing partners decide when ad breaks occur, but the first available ad break for in-stream video is at the 1-minute mark.
  • Ad delivery. To create a good experience for people seeing video ads, we manage ad loads. For instance, not every ad break is filled. To optimise delivery, ad delivery within ad breaks is always being tested according to particular videos and individual viewers.

Specifications for Facebook and Audience Network

All in-stream video ads should include sound.

Facebook in-stream

  • Video length: 5-15 seconds
  • Objective: Video Views, Reach, Brand Awareness or Post Engagement
  • Aspect ratio: Vertical (up to 9:16), square (1:1), landscape (16:9)

Audience Network in-stream

  • Video length: 5-120 seconds when automatic placements is selected, 5-30 seconds when selecting in-stream placements on their own
  • Objectives when using automatic placements: Video Views, Reach, Brand Awareness, Post Engagement, Conversions, Traffic, App Installs, Catalogue Sales when using automatic placements
  • Objective when using on its own or with Facebook in-stream video: Video Views
  • Aspect ratio: Square (1:1) or landscape (16:9). Note: landscape is recommended for best delivery

Facebook and Audience Network in-stream together

  • Video length: 5-15 seconds
  • Objective: Video Views
  • Aspect ratio: Square (1:1) or landscape (16:9). Note: landscape is recommended for best delivery

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook