Accessing your leads data


Unless you change the default settings for who can access your leads on Facebook, only Page admins will have access to lead information. By default, other Page roles, such as advertiser/analyst, can run lead ads and view insights but won't be able to download leads.

At this time, leads access settings can only be changed from Business Manager. If you don't have a Business Manager, you won't be able to make changes to these settings.

Bear in mind that the feature to change default settings is being rolled out gradually and may not be available to you at this time.

I used to have access to leads and now don't. What can I do?

First, check to make sure you're a Page admin on the Page associated with your lead ads. You can see your Page role by going to the Settings tab on your Page.

If you're a Page admin and can no longer download leads, it's likely that your Page is owned by a Business Manager account and that the Business Manager Admin has changed permissions for who can download leads. If you think you should have access, contacts the Business Manager Admin and request that they assign you access to leads.

Learn how to update permissions for leads access.

* Nguồn: Facebook