Edit a Facebook Instant Experience


While you're creating your Instant Experience full-screen experience, you can click Save Draft to come back to finish it later. When you finish and click Finish Instant Experience, it's locked and you can no longer edit it.

To edit an unfinished Instant Experience:

  1. Go to the Page that the Instant Experience was created for.
  2. Click Publishing tools.
  3. Click Instant Experience.
  4. Click Edit next to the Instant Experience that you want to edit.
  5. When you've made your changes, click Save Draft (if you've not finished yet) or Finish Instant Experience (if you have).

Tip: If you finish an Instant Experience and then decide you still want to edit it, your best option is to create a duplicate of the finished Instant Experience in draft form and edit that. You can do this by ticking the box next to the Instant Experience you want to duplicate and selecting Duplicate from the Actions drop-down. You'll then have the original Instant Experience and the updated one.

* Nguồn: Facebook