Tips for promoting hotel inventory using travel ads

Visit our full setup guide to learn how to implement travel ads.

If you're looking for ways to get the most out of your hotel ads, take a look at the recommendations below to get started. Visit our Travel ads best practices guide for tips that apply to all of the travel ads solutions, including flights and destinations.

Take advantage of dynamic fields

In the "Pages and links" section of ad creation, you'll have the opportunity to include dynamic elements in your ad. Dynamic elements are a useful addition to your ad creative because they allow relevant information to be automatically populated on your ad. We recommend using some of the following dynamic elements to help you get the most out of your travel ads.

Dynamic elements to add:

  • Hotel details (name, description, brand)
  • Hotel location (city, country)
  • Check-in and check-out dates
  • Hotel price*

You can find a list of all of the dynamic elements available for travel ads by visiting the developer's site.

*Dynamic pricing feed is recommended to support the display of date-specific pricing in the ad unit. More accurate pricing can drive improved conversion rates. Visit the developer's site for more details on setting up a dynamic room and price feed.

Drive your audience to the most relevant landing page

When a person clicks on your dynamic ad for travel, you can send them to a specific landing page based on their recent searches.

For example, let's say that your target audience has recently searched for and booked a flight.

  • You can show them a dynamic ad for a hotel cross-sell opportunity.
  • When the person clicks your "Book Now" Call to Action, information about their destination and check-in and check-out dates can be dynamically populated on the landing page they're sent to. This eliminates the need for them to re-enter their travel information, which in turn may help speed up the time to conversion.

Template URL variables include:

  • Hotel details (name, brand)
  • Hotel location (city, country)
  • Check-in and check-out dates

For more information on template URL variables, visit the developer's site.

Reach the right audience with your ads

Reaching the right audience will help you get the most out of your travel ads. Here are some suggestions to help you get started with choosing your audience:

Target your ads to people based on their travel dates and location

  • People with specific travel dates or booking windows
  • People looking to travel at the weekend
  • People with travel dates or with no travel dates
  • People searching for specific destinations

Other ideas for reaching people who are interested in travelling

  • People signalling high travel intent (e.g. based on the time spent on a site or number of searches on a site)
  • People travelling alone, in groups or with kids
  • People who have recently searched for or booked flights but haven't booked hotels
  • High-value audiences (e.g. loyalty members)

Consider excluding people who don't meet certain qualifications

  • People whose travel dates have passed
  • People who have flights with the same departure and return date and won't need a hotel

Show your ads across all ad placements

When creating your travel ads, it's recommended that you select every available ad placement. Selecting every ad placement will allow Facebook's delivery system to allocate your ad set's budget based on performance across the placements. If one placement begins to perform better (e.g. you can reach more of your audience for less in this placement), then the delivery system will automatically allocate more of the budget to this placement to help you reach more people.

* Nguồn: Facebook