Columns that are included when you download your leads


When you download your leads from your Page, we'll include all of the fields you've added to your instant form, plus the columns described below. Bear in mind that you'll need both Page admin permissions and a role on the ad account the lead ad was created from to see the ad-related data mentioned below. This includes data in the ad_id, ad_name, adset_id, adset_name, campaign_id and campaign_name columns.

  • id: A unique ID number for each lead created.
  • created_time: The time the lead was created.
  • ad_id: The ID of the ad.
  • ad_name: The name of the ad.
  • adset_id: The ID of your ad set.
  • adset_name: The name of the ad set.
  • campaign_id: The ID of the campaign.
  • campaign_name: The name of the campaign.
  • form_id: The ID of the lead ads instant form
  • platform: The platform the lead was created on
  • is_organic: Organic leads are any leads that result from someone seeing an ad because a friend liked or shared the ad. If a lead is organic, the ad_id and adset_id columns may be blank for this row.

Below you'll find an example of what each of these columns may look like when you download your leads.

idcreated_time ad_idad_name

* Nguồn: Facebook