Delete an ad

We're combining Ads Manager and Power Editor into one interface, and the instructions below refer to the updated Ads Manager. Learn more about the updated Ads Manager

When you want to stop seeing specific Facebook campaigns, ad sets or ads in your ad account, you can delete them. After you delete your campaigns, ad sets or ads, you no longer see them in your ad account and you can't restore them. If you want to run your campaign, ad set or ad again in the future, turn it off instead.

You can still see performance data related to your deleted campaign, ad set or ad by adding a filter. To see performance data for deleted ads, click Filters in Ads Manager and then choose Deleted in the Delivery section of the filter drop-down menu.

Note: This help article is about deleting a Facebook campaign, ad set or ad. If you want to deactivate your ad account, go to Account Settings. Learn more about deactivating your ad account.

Delete ads in the updated Ads Manager

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click Campaigns, Ad sets or Ads to find the campaign, ad set or ad that you want to delete.
  3. Click to tick the box next to the campaign, ad set or ad.
  4. Click the Delete icon. Your campaign, ad set or ad is deleted.

* Nguồn: Facebook