Common ways to use automated rules
With automated rules in Ads Manager, you can create rules that automatically check your campaigns, ad sets and ads, and then update or notify you of any changes. In addition to running these automatic checks and notifying you of any changes, the tool will take the necessary actions for you.
As you get started setting up automated rules for your ad account, think about the items you frequently check up on and the subsequent actions you take in Ads Manager. For example:
- Do you pause a low-performing ad when it hits a specific metric?
- Do you increase your budget if a certain number of people click on your ad?
- Do you increase your bid if your total daily spend is below a certain amount?
- Do you increase your budget based on return on ad spend (ROAS)?
- Do you turn off a specific campaign every Friday?
These are all examples of actions that you can automate, so that you don't have to check and manually make changes to your campaigns, ad sets or ads.
Common ways to use automated rules
Receive a notification
When you run a campaign, you'll set a daily or lifetime budget. Instead of manually checking how much of your budget you've spent, you can set a rule to be notified if you spend a certain percentage of your budget. For example, if you set a lifetime budget of USD 400 for your campaign, but you'd like to be notified once you've spent half of that amount, you can set up a rule to do that.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, tick the box of the ad set(s) that you want to be notified about.
- In the Action drop-down, click Send notification only.
- In the Conditions section, click Lifetime ratio spent and set the ratio to 0.5. Once you've spent that selected amount on your ad sets, you'll automatically be notified via email and via a notification in Ads Manager.

Learn more about receiving notifications for an automated rule and about lifetime budgets.
Schedule ads
Let's say, for example, that you're running ads for Valentine's Day, 14 February. You want the ads to automatically start running a couple of days before Valentine's Day, on 10 February; then you want the ads to automatically turn off at the end of Valentine's Day, 14 February at 11:59 pm. You can set up two rules to automatically turn the ads on and off for you.
Rule 1: to automatically turn your ads on on 10 February:
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ads tab. Note that you can apply this rule to campaigns, ad sets or ads.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, apply the rule to your Valentine's Day ads.
- In the Action drop-down, click Turn on ads.
- In the Conditions section, select Current time is between 10 February at 12:00 am and 14 February at 11:59 pm. This will automatically turn on your ads on 10 February at midnight. This will also ensure that Rule 1 doesn't interfere with Rule 2 below.

Rule 2: to automatically turn your ads off at the end of Valentine's Day:
- Follow steps 1-3 from Rule 1 above.
- Select your Valentine's Day ads and this time choose Turn off ads in the Action drop-down.
- In the Conditions section, select Current timeis greater than 14 February at 11:59 pm. This will automatically turn your ads off when Valentine's Day officially ends.

If you've set up a campaign that you only want to run for a specific amount of time, you can set a rule to automatically turn the campaign off a certain number of hours after creation. For example, if you run a campaign and you only want it to run for five hours, you can set a rule to turn it off automatically when it hits the 5-hour mark.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Campaigns tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the campaign.
- In the Action drop-down, click Turn off campaigns.
- In the Conditions section, click Time, then select 5 hours since creation. Bear in mind that this rule starts at the moment of creation. So, if you create the ad and immediately pause it for four hours, then turn it back on, the rule will automatically turn off your ad an hour later, which is five hours since creation.

Pause ads that aren't performing well
If you're experimenting with different ads and want to stop running ads that don't perform well, you can set rules to turn off the ads for you if they hit a certain performance metric. For example, you can set a rule to automatically pause any ads with a cost per impression above USD 1.00.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Action drop-down, click Turn off ad sets.
- In the Conditions section, select CPM is greater than USD 1.00. This will turn off your ad sets the moment the cost per impression exceeds USD 1.00 for your selected ad sets.

Learn more about creating automated rules for your ads.
Another example is if you want to pause an under-performing ad based on frequency, which is the average number of times a person sees your ad. You can set a rule to pause your ads if the frequency exceeds two, for example.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Action drop-down, click Turn off ad sets.
- In the Conditions section, set your Frequency to greater than two. This will turn off your ads when the average number of times people are seeing your ads is two.

With automated rules, you have the option to set multiple conditions too. For example, if you set up a Facebook pixel to track website conversions, specifically purchases made on your website, you can set a rule to pause your ads when the cost per website conversion is above USD 10.00 and when web conversions are above 500.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Action drop-down, click Turn off ad sets.
- In the Conditions section, set two conditions:
- First, set the cost per web conversions. In the cost per website conversions (Facebook pixel) section in the drop-down, choose the web conversion that you're tracking, e.g. cost per purchase (Facebook pixel). Set it to greater than USD 10.00.
- Next click the + to add another condition. Set the condition for web conversions. In the website conversions (Facebook pixel) section in the drop-down, choose cost per purchase (Facebook pixel). Note that you can also track all website conversions (Facebook pixel) here if you like.
- Now your ad sets will automatically turn off when both conditions are met.

Adjust bids and bid schedule
There is also a rule based on total daily spend; if you're running an ad, you can set a rule to increase your bid if you're not hitting the total daily spend you want. For example, you can set a rule to automatically increase your bid by USD 1.00 if you're total daily spend is under USD 100.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Actions section, go to the Adjust manual bid section and click Increase bid by. Choose the amount that you'd like to increase your bid by; note that you have the option to increase by either a percentage or a dollar amount. In this case, Increase bid by USD 1.00.
- Next, you'll need to set a condition that the bid will increase only if the total daily spend is below USD 100. In the Condition section, click Spent is smaller than USD 100. Then make sure that the action frequency is set to Today. This way, your bid will increase by USD 1.00 if your daily spend drops below USD 100.

Learn more about setting rules to adjust your bid.
Let's say, for example, you're running an ad that you know will perform better in the evening, so you want to increase your bid by 20% from 5:30 pm-9:30 pm each night. You can set a rule to automatically increase your bid for this specific set of hours.
Rule 1: increase your bid by 20% from 5:30 pm-9:30 pm
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Actions section, go to the Adjust manual bid section and click Increase bid by. Choose the amount that you'd like to increase your bid by; note that you have the option to increase by either a percentage or a dollar amount. In this example, you'd increase by 20%.
- Next, you'll set the specific hours. In the Schedule section, click Custom. Choose the days and then set the times from 5:30 pm-9:30 pm. This way, your bid will increase by 20% during the hours of 5:30 pm-9:30 pm.
Rule 2: decrease your bid by 20% outside of those hours
- Follow steps 1-3.
- In the Actions section, go to the Adjust manual bid section and click Decrease bid by. In this example, you'd decrease by 20%.
- Next, you'll set the specific hours. In the Schedule section, click Custom. Choose the days and then set the times outside of 5:30 pm-9:30 pm, so you'd set the hours to 9:31 pm-5:29 pm. This way, your bid will decrease by 20% outside of the hours of 5:30 pm-9:30 pm.
Another option is to set a rule to adjust your bid or budget based on a target KPI. For example, you can set a rule to scale your bid by a target field, such as cost per mobile app install, which means that your manual bid will automatically adjust based on the current and target cost per mobile app installs.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Actions section, click Adjust manual bid and then Scale bid by target field. Note that this will only affect ad sets with manual bidding. Set the target value for target field to USD 5.00 and then set your manual bid range; in this case, USD 1.00 to USD 10.00. Then set your action frequency, which is the minimum amount of time until the same action can be taken on an object by a rule, to Default. The default value is once every 12 hours.
- In the Conditions section, set Cost per mobile app install is not between USD 4.50 and USD 5.50 and set Mobile app install is greater than 100. Setting the condition to not between USD 4.50 and USD 5.50 acts as a tolerance window of 10%. Otherwise, for example, if your target value is USD 5.00 and your current value is at USD 4.98, the rule would still scale your bid. The tolerance window prevents unnecessary bid changes when close to the target.

Adjust bid/budget or pause ads based on spending
Another example is to set a rule to increase your budget based on ROAS (total return on ad spend) based on either App Installs or website conversions. Some campaigns may deliver greater ROAS per conversion or App Install. It may be worthwhile to increase your budget or bid on these high return campaigns.
For example, to automatically increase your budget if your ROAS for App Installs is above three:
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Actions section, go to the Adjust budget section and click Increase daily budget by USD 5.00. You have the option to choose a percentage or dollar amount here. Bear in mind that increasing your budget by this percentage every time the selected ad sets meet these rule conditions, may cause you to spend more than you want.
- In the Conditions section, click Mobile app purchase ROAS is greater than three. This way, your budget will increase by USD 5.00 if your ROAS for mobile app installs exceeds three.

A new feature is the ability to set rules based on the campaign name itself. For example, if you are running campaigns for the summer season and your campaign names contain the word "summer", you can set rules based on that keyword. In this case, let's say that you wanted to automatically turn off all campaigns with the name "summer" during the night-time hours, you can set a rule to do that.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, apply the rule to your selected ad sets that belong to the campaigns with the name "summer".
- In the Action drop-down, click Turn off ad sets.
- In Conditions, click Campaign name contains "summer".
- In the Schedule section, click Custom rule schedule and set the overnight hours; in this case, we're turning the ad sets off from 12 am-5 am. Then you'd need to create a second rule that will turn back in at 5:01 am in the morning and remain on until midnight.
If you were running a campaign, but wanted to decrease your daily budget during the weekends because you think they won't perform as well, you can set a rule to do that. Let's say, for example, that you wanted to decrease your daily budget 30% from Friday to Sunday; you can set a rule and schedule to achieve this.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the ad sets.
- In the Action section, go to the Adjust budget section and click Decrease daily budget by 30%. You have the option to choose a percentage or dollar amount here.
- Set the action frequency to once weekly, so that the changes only occur once a week.
- Next, set the schedule so that this rule only applies to the weekend. In the Schedule section, click Custom and tick the boxes for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Now, your daily budget will decrease by 30% during those three weekend days.
Another example is if you want to decrease your bid once it spends a certain amount of your lifetime budget. For example, you can set a rule to automatically decrease your lifetime bid by 25% once it's spent 0.75 of your chosen lifetime budget.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the campaign.
- In the Actions section, go to the Adjust bid section and click Decrease lifetime bid by 25%. You have the option to choose a percentage or dollar amount here.
- In the Conditions section, click Lifetime ratio spent is greater than 0.75. This will decrease your bid by 25% once you've spent a ratio of 0.75 of your lifetime budget.

Learn more about lifetime budgets.
Another rule you can set is to increase your budget based on the cost per website conversions. For example, you can set a rule to increase your lifetime budget by 20% if the cost per website conversions, in this case content views, is under USD 5.00.
- Go to Ads Manager and click on the Ad sets tab.
- In the Rules drop-down, click Create a new rule.
- In the Apply rule to drop-down, select the campaign.
- In the Actions section, go to the Adjust budget section and click Increase lifetime budget by 20%. You have the option to choose a percentage or dollar amount here. Bear in mind that increasing your budget by this percentage every time the selected ad sets meet these rule conditions, may cause you to spend more than you want.
- Next, in the Conditions section, select Cost per website conversions (Facebook pixel) , then Cost per content view (Facebook pixel) is smaller than USD 5.00.

* Nguồn: Facebook