Set up your catalogue for dynamic ads for travel (hotels)

If you would like to advertise cities that people can travel to (rather than specific hotel properties), create a destinations catalogue to show city-level creative and inspire a traveller to go on their next trip.

A catalogue is a shell that stores your inventory data. A data feed is the actual data file containing the details about your inventory that is used to populate the catalogue, including location, price and availability. You can have more than one data feed in a catalogue.

There are two steps to completing a catalogue:

Step 1: Create your catalogue

The following instructions will walk you through how to create a catalogue in Business Manager. Bear in mind that you can also create your catalogue from Ads Manager.

    To upload a catalogue to Facebook Business Manager:
  1. In your Business Manager, click Business settings in the top-right.
  2. Under the People and assets tab on the right-hand side, select Product catalogues, then click Add New Product Catalogue.
  3. Note: Admin access will be required for anyone planning to add/update a catalogue.
  4. Select Create a new product catalogue, or Request access to a product catalogue if you're requesting access to an existing catalogue, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. If you select Create a new product catalogue, start by assigning a name to it, then select Type > Hotels. Click Create Product Catalogue when you're ready.
  6. Decide whether you want to give people access to your catalogue and/or pixel, or skip this and click OK.

    Now that your catalogue has been created, you can upload your data feed.
Step 2: Create/upload your data feed
The inventory items in your data feed are your different hotels. Here, you provide "static" hotel information, which does not need to be updated often, e.g. hotel name, location, starting price and images. You can list all your hotels in the same feed or submit separate feeds for certain hotel groups, e.g. all hotels in one country or under the same brand.
Create your data feed
Add required fields to your data feed by creating a file with the column names below. They'll need to be written exactly as they appear here for your file to upload correctly. Column names must be written in English and include the required column names outlined below. Facebook supports the following file types: CSV, TSV, RSS XML or ATOM XML.
Required fields for hotels

To use a catalogue, please make certain that your feed includes the required fields listed below. It's important to note that all column names (file headers) must be in US English. See the Supported hotel feed formats and sample files section below this table for information on how to input these fields correctly based on the file format you're using.

1hotel_id (max. size: 100)stringYour unique identifier for the hotel within the catalogue. This will be matched with any content_ids provided in your hotel app and pixel events.
2namestringThe most common name of the hotel.
3image (max. items: 20)objectImage data for this hotel. You can provide up to 20 images for the hotel. Each image contains two fields: URL and tag. You can associate multiple tags with an image. You must provide at least one image. Each image can be up to 4 MB in size.
urlstringThe URL of the hotel image. Please note that if you want to use carousel ads, provide square 1:1 aspect ratio images which are 600 x 600 pixels. To show single hotel ads, provide images with 1.91:1 aspect ratio image at 1200x630px.
4urlstringThe link to the external site where you can book a hotel room.
5addressobjectA complete address for the hotel that must be resolvable to its location.
addr1 (max. size: 100)stringThe street address of the hotel (e.g. 123 Birch Way).
citystringThe city that the hotel is in (e.g. London).
regionstringThe state, county, region or province for hotel (e.g. Greater London).
countrystringThe country of the hotel (e.g. United Kingdom).
6area (max. items: 20)stringOne or more area(s) for the hotel (e.g. Camden Town or Westminster).
7latitudefloatThe latitude of the hotel (e.g. 51.443737).
8longitudefloatThe longitude of the hotel (e.g. 1.029968).
9brandstringThe brand of the hotel chain.
base_pricestringThe base price per night for this hotel. You must specify the value with a currency, such as GBP 199.99.
description (max. size: 5000)stringA short paragraph describing the hotel.

Optional: In addition to the base_price in the hotel feed, you can optionally update hotel room type and pricing configurations based on various check-in dates and length of stay using the dynamic pricing feed. For more details on setting up a dynamic room and price feed, visit the developers' site.

Supported hotel feed formats and sample files

Below you'll find a chart that provides information on the types of hotel feed formats available as well as sample files.

File formatDescriptionSample file
CSV, TSVA simple, compact tabular format that can be edited and exported by most spreadsheet applications. The first row must list the chosen field names in the order the values will be given. Subsequent rows then supply the corresponding values for each hotel. According to convention, fields containing whitespace or commas should be enclosed in "double quotes". Nested or multi-value fields such as address, neighbourhood or image can be represented using JSON-encoded values or by a set of "flattened" plain-text columns labelled using JSON-path syntax (e.g., neighbourhood[0], image[0].url, image[0].tag[0], image[0].tag[1]). Both conventions can be used interchangeably in the same file.

TSV "flattened" style - sample file

CSV "flattened" style - sample file

XMLThis format would typically be generated by automated feed provider systems. A root XML node encloses a set of nodes, each of which represents a hotel. The file must begin with a valid

XML - sample file

Common issues
  • Make sure that the image URLs in your catalogue link to high-quality images that are appropriate for Facebook News Feed. For example, if you plan to advertise using the Carousel format, we recommend image sizes of at least 600 x 600. Alternative image sizes will be accepted, but may be cropped. See the complete image guide.
  • The product catalogue also supports deep-linking into apps. For more information, visit our developer site.
Upload your data feed to a catalogue in Business Manager
To upload your data feed:
  1. Select the catalogue that you want to upload a data feed for and click Add Hotel Feed.

  2. Choose your feed name and set your currency, then choose your upload type:
    • Scheduled recurring uploads: When you choose this option, you can upload your feed at scheduled intervals from a website where your feed is hosted.
    • Single upload: When you choose this option, you can upload your feed manually for a one-off upload. If you choose this option, you'll need to upload your feed manually whenever you change the file.
    Click Next.
  3. Complete the final steps, including providing a feed URL, and click Create Feed.

Note: Data feeds can be separated by tab or comma.

For more details on data feeds, visit our developer site.

Once your catalogue is uploaded, click below to learn best practices, how to view your catalogue, how to debug your feed and more.

  • We recommend that you enter a feed URL and schedule uploads either hourly, daily or weekly in order to keep your product catalogue up to date automatically. This helps you avoid showing ads for out-of-stock inventory and automatically add new inventory as your catalogue changes.
  • To represent your inventory accurately, you should update your data feeds (hotel feed and room and pricing feed) as often as your product inventory changes. Please note that if you are using the optional room and pricing feed, we recommending updating this feed more frequently (at least once a day). Most advertisers have found that hourly updates are sufficient. If you need more frequent updates, you can either connect to the API directly or work with a Facebook Marketing Partner to enable more frequent updates.
  • In some cases, you may have to make changes to the encoding and delimiter settings. For example, for catalogues that use quotes (") in their description column, you may need to tick the quoted fields checkbox. Work with your feed management provider to understand the settings that are necessary for your catalogue.
Viewing your catalogue
  • Depending on the size of your file, your catalogue may take several minutes to one hour to upload. When it successfully uploads, it will appear in your Business Manager on the product catalogues page.
  • On the catalogues page, you can see when the feed was last updated, how many products were added, removed or updated, and how many errors occurred.
  • You may receive several warnings or errors the first time you upload your catalogue. Warnings are recommendations for things to fix to improve the quality of your ads. Errors indicate that a feed was not processed and that you need to fix your feed before proceeding.
  • If you already have a catalogue and need to make an update, find your existing catalogue in Business Manager in the Hotel feeds section. Click the name of the data feed and select Upload Now.
Associate your pixel or app
  • You may be asked to associate your Facebook pixel or app to your catalogue. This is necessary in cases where your business has more than one catalogue, Facebook pixel or app. Associating your pixel or app tells Facebook which pixel or app will match which catalogue. Learn how.
Add hotel sets

A hotel set is a set of inventory in a catalogue that you advertise in your dynamic ads for travel. When you create a hotel set, you use filters (such as availability, brand or price) to define what goes into the hotel set. Each catalogue can have multiple hotel sets; alternatively, you can create a hotel set featuring all of your listings. Hotel sets are defined by filters in a catalogue and are created at campaign setup.

Note: Only catalogue admins can create hotel sets.

To create a hotel set:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the catalogue that will contain your new hotel set.
  3. Click Product sets.
  4. Click Create New Product Set. A window appears where you can add filters for your catalogue.
  5. Enter a name for your hotel set.
  6. Use the drop-down menus to apply filters to your hotel set. For example, if you want to create a hotel set for all 4 and 5-star hotel rooms greater than £100, then select the drop-down menus Price and Category, then enter the appropriate values into the text field. The filters then match the column names and inventory from your catalogue, then use that hotel set to advertise those properties in a specific ad campaign.

    Note: Try and include all of your hotels in your hotel set as filtering to small hotel sets will limit delivery.

Validate your feed with the Product Feed Debug Tool

The Product Feed Debug Tool allows you to paste in a product feed and validate the feed for errors and warnings without creating an upload session or adding products to your product catalogue. This is helpful in the early stages of integration when you don't have a product catalogue and haven't fully flushed out a feed yet. You can just paste in your test feed, detect the errors and warnings and ensure that the feed format is correct before actually setting it up for all your products.

Try the Product Feed Debug Tool.

Complete your dynamic ad for travel (hotels):

Implement a pixel and/or mobile SDK

Create an ad template

* Nguồn: Facebook