Create an ad template for dynamic ads for travel (hotels)

Before you proceed, verify that you have already set up a catalogue and have modified the Facebook pixel on your website or App Events in your app.

Dynamic ads look identical to other single or carousel ads that are available on Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network. However, instead of individually creating an ad for each of your products, you create an ad template that automatically uses images and details from your product feed.

You can create a dynamic ad template from Ads Manager.

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Select Product Catalogue Sales as your objective.
  3. In the drop-down menu next to Product catalogue, select the catalogue that contains the hotel inventory that you'd like to promote. Click Continue.

  4. In the Hotels section, choose a hotel set or create a new one. A hotel set is made up of a smaller group of inventory from your catalogue. The hotel set you choose will be used in your ads.
  5. Fill in the Audience section.
    See best practices for setting up your audience

    Start with a simple audience

    If you're new to dynamic ads for travel, or are preparing to run your first campaign, it's recommended that you keep your audience simple. Use the tips below to help you work out how to define your audience.

    • Try targeting people who've searched, viewed content or initiated checkout on your website or app but haven't yet purchased.
    • Don't use additional targeting (e.g. interest-based targeting).
    • After you've run some campaigns with this simple targeting, use the performance metrics from the campaigns as a baseline before you add additional targeting or test narrower audiences.

    Exclude purchasers:

    • It's recommended that you exclude travellers from your audience who've already made a purchase within the given time period that you're targeting. Targeting people who've already booked hotels or flights with prompts to do so again may be a bad experience for your existing customers.

    Expand an audience that's too narrow:

    • As mentioned earlier, simple targeting is best – especially if you're new to dynamic ads for travel. Your ads may under-deliver if your audience is too narrow.
    • If you're experiencing under-delivery, you should find ways to expand your audience. For instance, if you are using interest targeting on top of your retargeting audience, you should consider removing interest-based targeting. In general, interest targeting isn't recommended for dynamic ads for travel. If people are already shopping around on your website or app, you can assume that they're interested in your inventory.

    Use a long retention window:

    • Try using staggered retention windows, but avoid making these too narrow. If you're new to dynamic ads for travel, try using a 0-7 day window and a 8-30 day window. For shorter windows, you'll want to use a higher bid because your more recent visitors may be more valuable because they are more likely to convert. For longer windows, you should consider using a lower bid. Note: Unless you have very high web or app traffic, we don't recommend creating narrow windows because they can lead to severe under-delivery.

    Using booking window or travel date targeting:

    Booking window and travel date targeting are only recommended for dynamic ads for travel advertisers who've already run ads using simple targeting and have developed a performance baseline based on the results of those campaigns. This is because these targeting options will narrow your audience.

    Always target all devices:

    Don't create multiple campaigns that target people based on device. Doing so will limit Facebook's ability to optimise across devices to reach the people who are most likely to convert.

    Show your ads across all available placements:

    When creating your dynamic ads for travel, it's recommended that you select every available ad placement. Selecting every ad placement will allow Facebook's delivery system to allocate your ad set's budget based on performance across the placements. If one placement begins to perform better (e.g. you can reach more of your audience for less in this placement), then the delivery system will automatically allocate more of the budget to this placement to help you reach more people.

    You can choose to reach an audience of people who've taken actions on your site, such as searching for a hotel. You can also choose to exclude people from an audience you've already saved. For example, you can retarget a saved audience but exclude people who've recently purchased a hotel stay.
  6. Complete the Placements section and choose a budget and schedule for your ads. Click Continue.

    Note: If you are new to dynamic ads for travel, we recommend optimising for clicks in the first ad campaigns that you run. To maximise delivery at the start of your campaign, you should set the bid to auto-bid. After optimising for clicks for 3-4 days, we recommend switching to optimising for purchases or initiatecheckout events with auto-bid. Learn more best practices.

  7. Select the image format that you'd like to use and fill in the details of your ad. We recommend using carousel by default over single-image.

    Bear in mind that in the Text, Headline and NewsFeed Link Description sections, you can select different template tags that will automatically populate your ads with the information you care about. The hotel field may include city, country, base price and more, depending on which parameters you implemented for your pixel events.

  8. Select a call-to-action button.
  9. If you'd like to add URL parameters to your ad, click Show advanced options and add your parameters. Learn more about URL parameters.
  10. Preview your ad on the right-hand side. When you're ready, click Place Order.

* Nguồn: Facebook