Reach a broad audience with dynamic ads for travel


Facebook's dynamic ads for travel enable you to connect your travel products to people who have shown interest in your business by taking actions you care about on your website or app. Dynamic ads for travel for broad audiences is a feature created specifically for hotels advertisers, which allows you to reach people with travel intent, even if they have not yet visited your website or app.

When you target a broad audience, people in your audience across the Facebook family of apps (Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network) will automatically see products from your catalogue that are likely to be relevant to them.


  • Ability to optimise for people with travel intent
  • Ability to deliver relevant inventory from your catalogue that matches the travel intent expressed by people, even if they haven't been to your site/app
  • Ability to scale across hundreds/thousands of destinations


  • Facebook pixel: You'll need a Facebook pixel implemented on your website, and use dynamic ads for travel events to report which properties from your catalogue are being searched, viewed and purchased.

    Note: You may need to work with your website developer to set up your Facebook pixel and standard events.

  • Catalogue: You'll need either a hotel catalogue or a destinations catalogue.

Once you have uploaded a catalogue and installed your pixel/app events, you can define a broad audience based on geography and demographics.


  1. Create a dynamic ad for travel in Ads Manager.
  2. When you select your audience on the ad set level, choose Define a broad audience and let Facebook optimise who sees your products.
  3. Choose your targeting options, such as the location, age and gender.

    Note: Location targeting refers to where people are currently located, and not the location where people want to travel to. Learn more.

You can also work with your Facebook Marketing Partners to set up broad audiences. FMPs actively supporting this feature include StitcherAds, Smartly, Adphorus, Koddi, Kinetic, Marin and Kenshoo.

Advanced advertisers can build directly on the API.

Tips for using dynamic ads for travel - broad audiences

  • Help drive conversions

    Though not required, it is strongly recommended to run dynamic ads for travel retargeting while you are running dynamic ads for travel broad audiences. When you do this, traffic being driven by the dynamic ads for travel for broad audiences campaign will be "caught" by retargeting ads from the dynamic ads for travel retargeting campaigns, which will help drive conversions.

  • Audience selection

    • Use ad targeting options such as location and demographics.
    • Avoid using Lookalike Audiences and detailed behavioural
  • Bidding

    Optimise your ads for conversions on your standard event. Currently, the events you can optimise for are: search, viewcontent, initiatecheckout and purchase.

Learn best practices for dynamic ads for travel.

* Nguồn: Facebook