About block list levels

Block list features are being rolled out and are subject to availability. You may not see them.

Block lists can be set up at the business level, the account level and the campaign level.

Here's an example of how an organisation might set up its block lists:

Business level

Apply block lists for your entire organisation.

For example: There are some URLs that the organisation never wants its ads to appear on. They upload a block list of these URLs in Business Manager and apply it to all ad accounts. Learn how

Account level

Apply any additional block lists for the ad accounts within your organisation.

For example: The organisation has two brands, each with its own ad account, and they want to block different URLs for each ad account. They upload two block lists to Business Manager, then apply them to each ad account separately. Learn how

Campaign level

Apply any additional block lists with tweaks for particular ad campaigns. Campaign level block lists are not designed for regular use.

For example: For an ad campaign for one brand, it's important that some URLs are blocked. There might also be URLs to block in some countries but not others. They create a block list in Business Manager then apply it in Ads Manager, while creating the ad campaign. Learn how

Why shouldn't I set up all block lists at campaign level?

Campaign level block lists are designed for ad-hoc blocking. If there are URLs where you never want your ads to appear, it's safest to block them at the business level or account level; because they will be blocked automatically when anyone creates a new ad. This helps to prevent errors.

We set limits on how many entries your block list can include. Learn more. At the campaign level, we set a lower limit of URLs that you can block than at the account level and business level. If you're getting an error message saying that your ad won't run on certain placements because you have exceeded our limits in your campaign level block list, you might be able block them at the account level or business level.

Note: Only business admins have permission to apply block lists at the business level. Learn how to change someone's role or share a block list.

* Nguồn: Facebook